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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. It’s amazing how cheap bulk cold cuts are
  2. With all the fantastic food creations you come up with I’m surprised your not beating that kitchen aid and meat grinder to death
  3. We were supposed to buy a garage freezer but haven’t atleast of yet
  4. Didn’t start penny pinching untilI retired now I pretty much watch everything I guess they call it stretching your dollar ha.. ha
  5. We freeze a lot of stuff, save a lot of money and then we bought a meat slicer while back in that saves even more money
  6. You know my pops grow up during the the depression got it from him… bob
  7. Yeah, that’s no good. Gotta be real careful. I don’t like throwing food out at all.
  8. Carl subler that’s all I ever seen them run
  9. Wow, that thing’s in pretty good shape. Thanks for that. Almost missed it.
  10. we have a chain of alcohol stores that sell the cheapest they even beat Costco‘s prices on hard liquor, beer, and wine
  11. Yes, Costco has a hell of a buy on all their stuff but most everything is in bulk. I think we buy four dozen eggs at a time for around $9.90.
  12. OK, let’s just hilarious. I just thought it was their style, but I’m sure I will hear from Paul to give us a real rundown on them.
  13. Yeah man, we would all like to save all of them. Good luck, bud.
  14. I don’t know if we ever found out why they run a lot of dual air breathers
  15. I think they pretty much all look like that over there …. Bob
  16. Oh, I forgot to add good luck with all your issues. There sounds like you’ve got a plate full of headaches.
  17. Well, at least it was I checked on the value of that car about eight years ago and there was going for like 4500. They seem to have dropped considerably. I’m sure it was because of the high gas prices
  18. We are do a lot of business with Costco. I don’t know if you guys have them but it’s kind of the same way we buy in bulk. I think you guys have Sam’s Club. For that.
  19. Yes, Bubba,winter is definitely here
  20. unrelated to HM,,,but condos are a big part of what happened to most of our favorite amusement parks,,,bob
  21. i think it was actually an LTD,,,,my father in law hadda 2001 full size mercury,,,,brotherinlaw got it when pop passed but for some reason,those thing got some pretty high value,,,bob
  22. wow ok gotcha,,you mean like super modified??? i actually owned a ex commissioners car back in the day or chief they said is used to belong to the police department,,,,it was one of my favorites,,,,was only 2 years old low miles...82 galaxie perfect family car...
  23. If you haven’t found them, I spotted this on Google search good luck
  24. Oh gotcha, thanks for that What do they usually race there?
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