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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. oh goody more political bullshit,,,sorry paul...bob
  2. ahrite,,,you da man...bob
  3. ya that sucks,,,,were all getting old...bob
  4. wow,,,lotta work,,,good luck,,and have a ball...bob
  5. wow,,,cool...i alwayed like them,,,didnt really see many,,,even in thier day...good luck with it,,,if i come across anything ill let you know...bob
  6. wow sounds exciting ya trans will be fine,,,without weight....,,,best of luck...bob
  7. hey man,,,,welcome and have a ball...bob
  8. mowerman


    too bad we cant all have 50 body guards like the all mighty (OBAMBI).lol.bob
  9. mowerman


    didnt turn out like i thought,,,,typical liberal,,,ad,,,everyone has guns here .....bob
  10. nice choice excellent love those (REAL) toggle switches bob
  11. a friend of mine has a mack that looks exactly like a ford,,,dont remember the model,,,but might be a C...bob
  12. hey man welcome a board and have a ball...cant help you but lotta guys on here can,,,im sure you will be getting quite a responce soon good luck...bob
  13. ya i built that same rig when i was 15 the LNT,,,and also the DM800 then 40 years later wound up buying the same 2 model kits,,,cept i had more ambition as a teen bought the mack,10 years ago and its only a third complete,,,and the LNT like 6 years ago and its still in the box,,,,lol...you know i guess we shouldnt be bragging about this,,,,,but back in 71 i didnt have to work 10-12 hrs a night.then come home to a honeydo list lol.was gonna work on the DM thru the holidays but chose drinks and TV. but i am getting anxious to atleast finish the DM soon......bob
  14. ya baby,,,excellent...bob
  15. yaaaah i see that.another piece a work,,,,only worrys about what harry wants ..bob
  16. you gotta click on the website on the first post to get the winners i was on there woohoo..bob
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