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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. thanks man,,,,you too,,,and merry christmas to everyone,,,so far ours is fantastic...and more fun later...bob
  2. excellent,,,have a ball...and best of luck...bob
  3. WOW,,,NICE,,,HAD A 48,,, 30 YEARS AGO,,,REALLY LIKED IT.sold it cause i was moving,,and downsizing...bob
  4. what do you mean a turd,,,,used to drive one in the 70,s,,,i really liked it ...i also have a couple models...DM800,,,and a ford LNT9000 BOBTAIL...BEEN MESSING WITH THEM FOR YEARS,,,STILL NOT FINISHED.LOL.BOB
  5. excellent,,,nice wide open spaces,,,thanks tom.....bob
  6. that thing looks pretty good...... good luck,,,and have a ball.. bob
  7. right there with ya,,,man,,,,been buying american all my life,,,,not only has it seem to make no differance to the economy,,,,were still in the toilet,,,but now you cant even find anything made here ,,,,or atleast very little,,,,worst part,,,,,comes here,,in a china can,,,,and they stilll want american made prices....wow bob...
  8. what a mess,,,,i have a cop in the family out here....myself.....i would certainly take a differant appoach,,,on this entire matter.....tear gas and arrests to start....bob
  9. 80 thousand pound loads go for atleast the 460....good luck...and welcome aboard...bob
  10. back atcha,,man,,,gotta lotta time off,,,this chtistmas,,lookin forward to it....baking with old lady,,,barbeque,,,and lotsa booze...merry christmas everyone,,,bob
  11. holy shit,,,nice,,,,all looks brand new,,,thanks for posting,,,and have a ball...bob
  12. oh forgot to mention a freinda mine works for international here in reno,,,i can talk to him and get some inside info....let me know if you run into problems...bob
  13. ya no problem man,,,glad to help,,,as some one mentioned its not that old,,,should be lotta parts available....nice lookin ride,,,and good choice...have a ball with it...bob
  14. i was thinkin maybe just try international,,,,probably got them in thier warehouse....bob
  15. sorry not a clue,,,but someone otta here,lotta IH fans,,good luck...bob
  16. cool,,,cant see it from here.lol.bob
  17. looks good,,,,should go fast,,,dont think anyone would want the tattletale.lol...good luck...bob
  18. ya i heard he was a little down and guess lonnie anderson sucked the hell out him in a divorce...was a nice lookin car,,,,rather have the snowmans ride....ya baby.lol.bob
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