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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. wheel puller is best,,,you can usually borrow one from kreagan good luck...bob
  2. engine no...on right side of timing cover,,,should do it...good luck...bob
  3. wow nice,,,have a ball and best of luck with it...welcome aboard...bob
  4. funny this time they didnt tell you how many terrorist they traded to korea...dumb f---ks...bob
  5. oh my,,,threres a suprize (IDIOT)...bob
  6. excellent thanks for sharing,,,remember when F models were everywhere....know someone that bought a brand new mack from medford mack....bob
  7. wow cool rig,,,nice for someone...bob
  8. lol.....hey man...best wishes,,,and have a swingin time...bob
  9. ya he,s an idiot,,,counry is broke,,,no jobs,,,running outa water,peple dieing of ebola,,and he couldnt care less....bob
  10. heart goes out to all that served,,,,thanks a bunch,,,and best of luck...bob
  11. wow best of luck to ya,,,,,dont really care for my job,anymore,,but the pay is good,,and the work is tolerable...bob
  12. now thats just crooked,tom,,,and you know it.hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...bob
  13. wow some cool shots like about all of them....bob
  14. paul,,,,you are the f--------n man........ as usual.hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...bob
  15. was just in clarksburg yesterday,,,it was gorgeous...bob
  16. lol...see what you mean.lol.bob
  17. ya that would eat me alive as well......know what you mean...looks good .bob
  18. got home real late friday night,,,2 hrs sleep then over to sacramento with the old lady in my new mustang,,,she drove,,,then a nice dinner with an old pal,,,and hit the hay,at 730 was exhausted .bob
  19. havent seen that yoyo,,in a while....nobody misses him.hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha,,,too bad obambi doesnt dissapear like that...bob
  20. had it in a U model...really liked it,,,didnt like that first shade at all,,,they had in 73,,,had an R model with it....terrible ...bob
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