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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. kinda surpizing to hear,,,,sell alot of them,,, and,thier not very reliable,,,least the ones we got,,,better than the cornbinders,,,but the kenworths hold up better.we should just go all macks,,,and be done with it.lol.bob.
  2. pretty cool rig,,,,have a ball with it...bob
  3. welll aint that a bitch,,,sorry paul...bob
  4. ahrite man,,,,,like the tye dye shirt.lol....great pics...sorry about the bee stings...bob
  5. holy cow,,,,some nice lookin iron,,,love the brockway...thanks for the post...bob
  6. seems to present himself alott better now,, than when he was president,,,,,interesting,,thanks for the post...bob
  7. thought it was a white mustang,,,,used to drive one 1963 40 years ago,,,,that thing looks pretty good...bob
  8. this is the first for me,,,,asked the old lady,,,,says her market sells it,,,,raleys reno...bob
  9. like to have the gas job,,,,thanks man...bob
  10. incredible,,,,what a buncha horseshit thanks for the post......i dont shop there at all,,,,but they gotta be idiots,,,because im sure most of the south shops there,,,wow..bob
  11. lol.....good shots tom,,,thanks...bob
  12. heard on the radio,,,last night,,,,she will probably out campaign everyone else,,,,cause of unlimited backing,,,,,same as obambi,,,,(OH GOODY) was thrilled to hear that...bob
  13. lol....the madness never ends here,,,,amazing.....economy in the toilet,,,,and everyone seems to be sitting on thier hands,,,,now they expect to cut fireworks,,,and barbeques,,,,,,ya they can all go F---------- themselves....lol.bob :thumbsdown:
  14. interesting,,,thanks for the post....my 2 cents.....corperate greed,,,and CEO,s take a big part of the revenue,,,,and then they push the blame,onto the workers,and union reps........bob
  15. ya know what you mean,,,ive been driving since 73,,,and i still make mistakes,,,gotta kenworth automatic stuck in nuetral,,,couple months ago,while passing another truck on donner pass,,didnt think you could miss gears with an automatic,but i was shifting it manually with a button lol....that black one is a RD model...bob
  16. the old lady was just telling me that,yesterday,,,,wow what about the millians of fans,,,that like the show,,,,,oh thats right,,,,our oppinion doesnt matter now...like wow man ..bob
  17. oh theres a surprize,,,,and yes david wild,,,let me know,,,if you find a land that worries about us white people we all might wanna move there.they have already proved themselves here,,,,by removing god from everything,,,and most nativity scenes..lol.bob
  18. and yes,,,gotta feel bad for the dumptrucker,,,with the line a traffic,,,,we were all green at one time.lol.bob
  19. nice thanks,,like the jimmy,,and the dodge,,and the RD,,could do without the big volva,lol .bob
  20. looks like its almost ready to work...bob
  21. good choices,,,might as well go for the best.lol...know ill hear about this one..bob
  22. excellent thanks for the post...bob
  23. ahrite,,,i know your going to have a swingin time today,,,enjoy fella,s...bob
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