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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. that was excellent...thanks ernie...bob
  2. movin on is on everyday here,i still watch it,,most of them were filmed in san diego....bob
  3. these jackasses have gone so far overboard anymore,,,i dont even have an oppinion anymore except,,,they all need to go.(NOW).bob
  4. no,,,no relation.only tie to this sight,,,would be playing for the yankees,,,years ago..bob
  5. you know,,,im nowhere near that big,,,but sometimes i feel like i look like that...bob
  6. probably wasnt big news in the east coast but he was better known out here,,for broadcasting san diego padres games on the radio,,,we could pull it in from reno,,,the mighty double X 970 AM,,,was quite a guy,,,fought in 2 wars,,played for the yankees,,,then did radio broadcasting for years...too bad they never handed him a nobel peace prize,,,for being an all american boy,,,and cheerfully saluting his own american flag ,,,,actually worthy of it.....of coarse thats just my 2 cents..bob
  7. welcome and have a ball...bob
  8. no horse carriages...wow thiers a big achievement....what a country....incredible...bob
  9. we were gonna barbeque ribs,,,but decided to bring home heat up frozen pizza....you guys with the creations sounds better.lol....have a ball guys....bob
  10. happy new year fella,s...were drinkin whiskey,,,and staying home...enjoy my friends...bob
  11. just spotted this,,,nice neat ride...bob
  12. dont like too much snow,,,we get our share here,,,but it doesnt help me at all...just more hours less time off,,,good luck guys...bob
  13. ooohh theres a big surprize,,,how dare you white people ask for any favors,,,we cant even have god in anything,,or put up a decent nativity schene ....everyone in this wierd country is protected with rights,and rules,,,except the majority white working taxpayers,,,they just tell us to deal with it...(REALLY),,,what the hell is that supposed to mean???hey howbout some special priveliges for us????..lol.bob
  14. yes i would vote for festus....bob
  15. excellent thanks for sharing,,,like the chick,,,and yes she has good taste.lol.bob
  16. i only have a model...but abuncha guys on here have real ones,,,im sure you will get your answer soon,,good luck..bob
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