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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. hey welcome no name,,,lol.have a ball...bob
  2. cool truck,,,better send an ole beat up volva out there,,for that dirty work.lol.bob
  3. thats messed up best of luck...bob
  4. nice thanks for sharing,,,can never see enough R models....bob
  5. thanks for sharing mark,,,nice pics,,,specially the chick,,,and the 9500,,,drove a brigadair,(know thats not spelled right) in the 70,s was pretty impressive...ya baby...bob
  6. excellent,,,everyone needs to follow it...bob
  7. mine was excellent,,,hope yours was too...bob
  8. oh ya,,,wife will be baking all kindsa pastries next couple days...cant wait to sample the goods,,,me and my neighbor decided to cook ribs for new years eve,,,did it last years froze our asses off but had a ball,,,just cooked outside,,then ate indoors.worked out well...get drunk and no one has to worry about getting home....bob
  9. that sounds excellent,,had whiskey donuts few days ago,,,were excellent...,like the chick man...lol.bob
  10. thats funny,,,i think id remember that,,,if it was.lol.bob
  11. i expect they hand you that,,,to move more of them,,,guess it worked lol.bob
  12. wow welcome aboard have a ball...bob
  13. lol....like your quote mike....hope you all have a merry christmas...ill be off tuesday,and wednesday,,,those of you that have to work,,,hope you can make the best of it....enjoy guys...bob
  14. lol...i also liked the hand crank chainsaw,,,holy cow...what would you do without one a those???????bob
  15. well glad you got backup power...bob
  16. was just in boston visiting inlaws,,,saw a couple a nice autocars,,both dumptrucks,,,never saw any Rs or U models,,,was allittle depressing,,thats,first time back there,,,where i didnt see hundreds of them,,,mostly bud wheels also,,,guess the hands of time got to most of the cool shit,,,still quite a few RD.S ,MR.s, CH,and granite,,though...food is still outstanding.......bob
  17. nice thanks for sharing,mark,,,one a my favorites also,,,reminds me or lumpy rutherford.come on ???bob
  18. that thing is excellent,,,i have a F model steering wheel hanging in my kitchen,,the old lady doesnt really mind its my own little corner,,its not for achievements,,just decor.lol...bob
  19. cool man in boston now visiting inlaws weather sucks bob
  20. excellent have a ball...dont know how you keep up....bob
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