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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. like the colors cool sky,,,love summer,,,too bad we dont see enough of it.lol.bob
  2. wow,,,excellent,,,ive also seen similar situations myself,,,sorry to hear about your loss,,,,thats not fair,,,but im sure he,s in allot better place...bob
  3. thought he was on here usually pretty regular...i know im not on here much,in the summer,,,, too much going on outside,,and around reno....bob
  4. dont know what happened to ya,,but if you get this,,,best wishes,,,and have a swingin time...bob
  5. just spotted this,,,think you have to push edit first,,,then it gives you delete option,,,good luck.bob
  6. wow just spotted this,,,looks like something i wrote,,,,not much to ad,,you fellas about covered it,,,but i cant believe THAT LAZY COWARD didnt even have the class to show up in new jersey,,,or colorado,,,him and kerry are much too busy worried about syria...like wow man...bob
  7. thats messed up,,glad it turned out well...bob
  8. very impressive welcome home mark.....bob
  9. excellent thanks for sharing the dog is cool too.bob
  10. i didnt notice it was looking at the wire.lol.bob
  11. hey man thanks for trying,,,takes a while to figure them out im still trying to get used to cell phones to begin with...bob
  12. be too busy to be on here much,,,hope everyone has a swingin time...bob
  13. be too busy to be on here much,,,hope everyone has a swingin time...bob
  14. neat old mack,,man,,,don't see many like that,,nowdays,,,thanks for posting...definitely eye candy...bob
  15. think its a doctored photo,,,the kenworth looks tiny,,,especially the wheels.lol.bob
  16. excellent thanks for sharing.beautiful job,,,,lotta work,,,,looks real good..bob
  17. yup yup,,,,,,i copy that, hand,,,lol...I really wasn't even listening to what she was saying,,,but all kidding aside,,,the ingredients looked exciting and worth trying...bob
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