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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. just spotted this,,,im with mike,,it looked good both ways...used to stop and eat in Chelmsford,,at skips resterant,,,used to have the best corned beef hash in the world,,that was 30 years ago..was wondering if they were still there,,dunkin donuts across the street...bob
  2. best wishes and have a swingin time...bob
  3. excellent man thanks,,,and welcome home....bob
  4. excellant like the cornbinder,,,thanks for sharing,,,i was a bit taller in 1970,,,rode a mini bike,,,good times man,,,miss those old days.lol.bob
  5. sorry its late,,,hope you enjoyed it....bob
  6. my edger took a shit,,,went to home depot to replace it,,mine was electric,,decided to go gas this time,,,although thier awfully heavy,,,anyway 4 brands available all made in china..WTF,,,nice to have choices lol...i hate like hell to pay 150 bucks for china tools think ill hold off and try lowes saturday...bob
  7. heard about it,,,dont go that way anymore,,,thanks...bob
  8. hehe,,,musta missed this one...oh well you guys get 2 of them,,,way better that being forgot...bob
  9. best wishes fellas,,,have a swingin time...bob
  10. theres a toys R US warehouse i pass quite a bit out here,,,and all you see is china cans backed up to dock,,,pretty sick man...bob
  11. just bought one like that,,,its a shwinn majestic,,,i see what you mean,,,couple miles at a time,,is all i can do,,,my legs get sore,,,i think we need to get used to peddling too many years behind a throttle lol.bob
  12. good lookin tomato,,,the RD IS COOL TOO...BOB
  13. i heard thier all trying to go go union over there,,,guess its not rocket science selling a 500 dollar note book and putting it together for 89 cents,,these chineses are figuring it out ,,,hey wait were makin apple rich,,and supplying the entire united states in electronics,,,wheres our slice of the pie lol...bob
  14. way to go young man congradulations,,,and have a ball...bob
  15. just put in a drip system from home depot,,,was surprized to see the kit,,,and the poly line were both made in the united stated i couldnt believe what i was reading,,since everything thing is imported from china or tiawan,,,was very impressed...bob
  16. excellant like the stockings.....bob
  17. I saw that was excellent and reece witherspoon looks edible with that dippedde doo hair style.woohoo...bob
  18. lookin good sonny,lol...wish mine was comin together that fast,,,just started it,,,its running now...woohoo,,,,gotta put in a drip system,,,one thing after another around here...bob
  19. best of luck to ya partner...least your not stuck in a big volva...bob
  20. we like everything you do barry,,,keep up the good work,,,and thanks for everything....bob
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