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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. looks good...who cares about the mirrors,,,i was looking at everything else...over???bob
  2. that was excellent thanks man,,,chicks in those days,,didn't have to strip for ratings,,,although I don't mind that....lol.bob
  3. certainly needs some attention,,,but the body looks pretty good...bob
  4. remember ford bailing someone out like 25-30 years ago,,,i thought it was Chrysler,,,i don't know why Chrysler is always in trouble,,,they seem to make a good product,,,think allotta people have just went jap,,,or Korean...bob
  5. don't really dislike chevy,s,,,im just a ford man....bob
  6. that would be wonderful,,,where do I sign.lol.bob
  7. shouldn't have any trouble unloading it,,,that thing looks cherry...bob
  8. wow fords and dairy queen,,,excellant combo...lol.bob
  9. don't know how true it was,,but I got an email recently says everyone of those crazy shooters lately was a registered demacrat...but if they were I suppose the media would never admit it.lol...lets see if gearhead girl has a comment for that one hhahahahahahaahhahahahaa.bob
  10. I don't understand anything they do now,,,makes no sence,,,our city,s are all going broke,,no money for schools,,city parks,state parks.library,s,police, firefighters, county buildings are understaffed,,closing city pools,,exc,,exc,,gasoline and diesel sky high..and nobody is lifting a finger to do anything about anything here....bob
  11. barbeque,yard work,and relax...just started hiding my Harley to work myself,its allot more fun riding to the prison walls on the bike,,weather here sucks in the winter,,but is usuall absolutely beautiful all summer,,,like your bike,,,its all 2 wheel fun,,don't matter what brand,,,i took a spin on my stepdaughters vespa scooter couple years ago,,,and was having such a ball,,i didn't wanna give it back,,had lotsa power,,wasn't like the older slugs at all....lol.bob
  12. well if you come up with a plan,paul,,let me know,,,im in,,,its time we take our country back,,,and make this a paradise again...bob
  13. yaaa,,,that's a real big problem here,,,they love you when your working and paying taxes,,then,when your injured,,,or retired,,,the all mighty power hungry pigs,,don't care if you starve to death,,,,but lets make sure the big rock star is nice and comfortable.and make sure to send billians overseas....I tell you what this place could sure use allotta improvements,,,starting with a real president.someone said along time ago,,,ask not what my country can do for me,,,but what can I do for my country,oboom boom needs to take a lesson here,,,this joker,,,just takes,and take,and takes,,,and gives nothing back....I don't see a man,or a leader,,,,just a lier and a thief,,,,don't know why so many people worship this clown,,,he doesn't even believe in god,,,or salute the American flag...and everyone is ok with this???????like wow man,,,,ahrite,enough bellyackin time to barbeque..see you fellas......bob
  14. scrub puller,,,,don't know if anyone welcomed you,,,so welcome aboard and have a ball...bob
  15. excellent ernie,,,,especially like the black dress,,,thanks parter,,,and welcome home...bob
  16. you know its not rocket science ernie,,,your makin 400,000 dollars a year to run the country ,,,do ya friggin job,,,this asshole has been suckin the system since birth when he was a bastard child,,,from a barroom booty call....face it fella,s his mother was a tramp,,,and his sperm donater was an illegal alian,,,nut up and do your friggen job,,,and quit blaming bush,,,i do my part,,,you do yours,,,,,,you don't work,,,you don't eat.its as simple as that....this country is falling fast,,,and that piece a shit,,,,doesn't give a flying hoot,,,long as he gets his fat salary,,,you would atleast think that forthless,,,prick,,,would atleast creat some healthy employment here,,,and start drilling,,and logging,,in this shitty economy....but noooooooooo,,,he,s too busy worrying about the next photo shoot,,,and taking guns away,,,and faggot weddings....wow obambi...you da man,,,surprised he wasn't right there,,,when they decided to allow queers in the boy scouts,,,like wow man,,,,thiers a big achievement...all American bob lol
  17. best wishes,,,and have a swingin time...bob
  18. not much too comment here,,,sept too many people drawing big paychecks and doing nothing for it,,,now we got 4 more years of nothing...woohoo...bob
  19. excellent,,,thanks for sharing,,,had a 62 impala I painted that color know what you mean about time,,,think most of us have that problem,,,ive had mine 18 years and hardly touched it...bob
  20. hey partner,,,best wishes,,,have a swingin time,,,,bob
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