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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. we didnt know what to expect,,,but thought the hotness was about perfect,,,excellant flavor,,,getting ready for big game.woohoo.bob
  2. not a huge superliner fan,,,but that was a nice collection,,thanks for posting,,,especially like the spokewheels.lol.bob
  3. hey welcome home..your hot sause is incredible,,,had it last nite,,and this morning...excellant..bob
  4. had some last nite,,with taco,s...and this morning on eggs,and potato,s,,,absolutely delicious...bob
  5. man that looks excellant.bob
  6. he,s usually gone all week,,,just pops up on the weekends...bob
  7. ya,,,the whole country is a war zone now,,,thiers nowhere safe,,,sept at home with all your fire power...bob
  8. got mine last nite,,,thanks tom ill hook you up,,,,that was real nice,,,havent tryed it,,,we,ll be using it saturday morning.bob
  9. ya,,san francisco tryed to pull the same thing,,,and now they had to bury thier heads,,because all thier laws fell thru.lol.bob
  10. cool rig,,,looks like with just a few little things,,,it would look real good...bob
  11. hehe,,,holy shit,,,your well on your way to retirement.lol.best wishes my friend,,,and have a swingin time...bob
  12. that was excellant,,,thanks for sharing,,,especially like the fords woohoo.bob
  13. seems to be the bottom line nowdays,on everything,,most of us do what your supposed to do,,,and thiers never a shitten pat on the back for any of it,,,just take away,and take away ,,,wow what a country...bob
  14. nice job guys...you certainly deserve it.best of luck...bob
  15. hey man,,,best wishes,,,and have a swingin time..lol.bob
  16. love them wide open spaces,,,thanks for the shout,,,glad grandpaw is pulling thru...and your job is going well...i have to run donner pass everynite both ways myself,,,i certainly see my share of weather,,,already sick to death of winter.lol.bob
  17. wow,,,looks like the one i learned to drive on,,,an old plymouth rock tractor and box...bob
  18. hehe,,,keep up the good work.bob
  19. just got a price on rebuilt wiper motor (air) 800 bucks,,,holy shit,,,good thing i dont think i need one.lol
  20. man,,,it looks like it would burn the flesh off your arms.lol...bob
  21. best wishes,guys,,,and have a splendid day.bob
  22. holy shit,,,sorry i missed it partner,,,ive been deathly ill all week,with a bad cold,,,first time on here for a while,feeling alott better now,,hope you had a swingin time,,,i really like that patent,,,now all you need is a fancy frame,,and more wall space.lol.bob
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