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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. jr sousa and sons,,,cant find anything on them,sept they had some sort of court case against bp,,in 1995,,,and thats all i can come up with,,im assuming thier out of business now...bob
  2. ya,,,it doesnt really sound like like a big problem,,till you try it.lol..bob
  3. think i read that story in the wheels of time,,,very interesting..bob
  4. ya,,,thats never fun news,,,specially when you neen the parts they just recently tossed.bob
  5. thier was an outfit around boston,,,had a bunch of them,,around then...souza,s fuel transport,,they hauled BP gasoline to thier gas stations,,,they were lime green,,might be able to find old photos...under david faust collections...bob
  6. hehe,,,ya we all been thru this argument before,,,aint nothin like it used to be,,the world has been sped up a hundred miles an hour,,and no one has time to just shoot the shit like we used to do,,,but im glad i grew up when i did,,,got to see all those cool rigs,in my town,and also ride in allot of them,,sorry vinnie,,,yes you did miss the good days...bob
  7. i dont think its been over 15 degrees here for a week,,,and ive been sick the entire time,,,miserable man...bob
  8. welcome,,,dont hear too much about old,,99...especially on here,,spent allotta time on it myself,,but all in california,,,and yes seen allotta cops.lol...enjoy...bob
  9. hey welcome,and enjoy.bob
  10. loooks like she tryed to,,,im suppized he was able to move afer all that,,,thats the was my old lady is ready for,,,here alone all night with 3 little lap dogs...just fillem fulla holes,,,no reasoning baby,,,this is nevada.lol.bob
  11. i dont know about all this sniveling and crying about the union...i was a union man from 73-81,,,i always thought they were the cats ass,,,but i got laid off cause of the deregulation deal,,,i suppose thier not like they used to be,,,but after workin for scab outfits for 30 years i sure wish i could go back to the union days,,,,couldnt beat it,,,,atleast 30 years ago.bob
  12. oh ya....im right with ya there,,,same way here in malibu...all summer houses...dont expect us to feel for ya.lol.bob
  13. oh ya,,,im sure allotta them wanna jump on that...lets hope it ends here.bob
  14. wow impressive i appeciate the heads up,,,but still think he,s a worthless bastard.i was really supprized thou that the area didnt get thier dough allot quicker,,,since there was a lotta attorneys,and wealthy in that area,,,way more so that lousiana.bob
  15. holy cow,,,what a project,,,hads off to ya,,looking terrific.bob
  16. best wishes,,and hope have a swingin day,,,also hope its warmer where you are.bob
  17. not familar with that one,,,but i know what you mean about 2000 channels,,,of nothing,,,i just have regular TV and we got lotsa oldies,,like 4 retro channels.everything from mr ed and rifleman to cheers and barney miller.woohoo,,and no monthly fee..bob
  18. well,,we all know that sandy deal,,,with the big mighty O,,,was just another fancy photo shoot,,,i knew that stupid shit wasnt gonna do anything...im supprized he,s not blaming bush for the storm.oooooohhhh,,but look,,lets raise raise that dept cieling some more,,,so we take 4 more years of expensive vacations,,,ya baby..bob
  19. woulda appreciated all that chrome when i was a teenage kid,,,now that im a big fat cranky old man,,,it makes me tired just looking at it.lol.bob
  20. oh,,,certainly you wouldnt mean the big ole mighty (O)????????hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha,,,coulda elected a dead dog,,,and got better results over??? lol.bob
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