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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. welcome to the sight,,,me and otherdog,,,both own macks,,,but drive kenworths on the job,,,,if that makes you feel better.lol.have a ball...bob
  2. now thats funny shit,,,hadnt thoughta that hahahahahahahahaha...bob
  3. wow,,,you do nice work,,,and i wish i had your ambition...lol.bob
  4. i love it there,,,nice place to visit,,,,sept too many cars,,,and too many people,,,but they do have dunkin donuts,,,and yankee stadiun,and lotsa excellant food.woohoo.bob
  5. welcome and enjoy the madness,,,sounds like quite a find you got there,wow,,enjoy it.bob
  6. very nice,,,but for 30 G,s id expect spoke wheels,,,and my choise of paint,,,not his.lol.bob.
  7. ya,,,he,s a pretty good hand,,,im sure he,ll be back.bob
  8. interesting photo,s like the lanscape and the chicks,,,and vinnie your too young for any flavor chicks...hhhaahhahahahahahahahahahaha...bob
  9. hehe,,,most of us could sure use it...lol.bob
  10. have a swingin time man.lol.bob
  11. thats funny shit,,,but they do sound good,,,and most earth movers use them,,,or at least they used to...lol.bob
  12. wow,,,didnt know you had so much stuff,,,good luck...bob
  13. now thats hilarious,,,and you know thier not going for that...bob
  14. was lookin for chicks man.lol.bob
  15. mowerman

    funny pic

    its a waste of a good bulldog,,,and the dog is humiliated,,,as for driver dress code,,,i dont know why these guys dress like hobo,s middle of winter thier in flipflops and running pants putting on tire chains,,,wow...bob
  16. cause the minoritys are always crying and getting thier way,,,unfortunately thiers seperation of church and state laws in place to remove nativity scenes and such for the athiast to get thier way,,,but society doesnt seem to care that im offended that we dont have nativity scenes.and yes,,,i am pushing religian..bob
  17. oh my god,,,,now thiers a candy store...wow.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!bob
  18. just a final thought,,,and im done,,,but funny thing,,,the whole world wants barry bonds to swing on a rope,,,just because he wont admit to steroids,,,yet the big mighty O can lie to the public for four years,,,and everyone thinks he,s a hero....funny thing is,,,every nation on the globe,,,thinks he,s an idiot,,,sept this one....wow....now thats gotta make you think.hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...bob
  19. was thinkin that myself,,,although thats probably what they would give him...bob
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