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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. they were both real good thanks guys,,,like the mailman and the dog hilarious...bob
  2. ya have a splendid labor day,,fellas....,,,should be pretty swingin for us.fixin on ordering a brand new mustang today,,,black 6 popper,,,then coming back and barbeque ribs.woohoo...bob..
  3. wow nice like the first one...bob
  4. nice,,,always been a big fan,,,do have a model of it...bob
  5. holy cow,,,,i wanna live there woohoo...excellent...bob
  6. holy cow,,,thats quite a rig,,,looks too good to use,,thanks for posting...bob
  7. cheer up,,,some chrome goodies and a paint job might make it look better.hahahahahahahaha..bob
  8. thats hilarious paul...thanks....bob
  9. sorry to hear that,,,no suggestions,,,except trade up to the 460,,,after running a 3406,,,your not going to be happy with anything else.lol.bob
  10. wow that thing is way cool very creative,like it,,,at first glance thought it was an A cab...bob
  11. saw a picture of one when they were testing them,,,,no i wouldnt drive it either...looks very dangerous...bob
  12. too wierd for me.lol.bob
  13. nice thanks...bob
  14. ahrite welcome aboard...bob
  15. wow pretty deep
  16. he shoulda just tryed reverse again but save that cell phone.lol bob
  17. that sucks..best of luck...bob
  18. holy cow,,,what a project,,,have a ball with it..bob
  19. nice have a ball with it...bob
  20. nice,,mine does that also when i goose it..bob
  21. didnt know gliders were not available...bob
  22. hey thanks for the pics,,,and yes summer is too short,,and winter drags on...bob
  23. ahrite man...have a ball...bob
  24. we had one of our kenworths pulled off the road for excess smoke....mine,,,had to get a letter from kenworth stating there was nothing wrong with the truck,,,and it was doing what it was supposed to do,,,tale it to DMV,,for reregistration,,,more balony...bob
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