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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. oh shit,,,guess i missed that part...nevermind,,,thanks for bring that to my attention lol guess plan b it is......bob
  2. a big thanks to all veterens,,,and thier family,s god love em,,,and have a swingin time fellas...bob
  3. wow nice,,,had 3 of those in my time,,,always liked them...bob
  4. oh my god,,,how embarrassing is that...wow..bob
  5. i say pull out all the plugs and shoot in a buncha auto transmission fluid in all the cylinders and let it sit for a couple days then try to turn the motor with a screw driver using the flywheel teeth you can have that starter rebuilt by any generater shop and plugs and points are usually available for lots of oldies,,,may be a bad silanoid...good luck....i would try to save the motor first.....nice looking ride,,,,great color...good luck..bob
  6. hey man,,welcome aboard,,and have a ball...bob
  7. ya me too,,,a few in the right places is always nice...bob
  8. nice thanks for sharing...bob
  9. nice,,,,looks like a pretty good turnout.. thanks...bob
  10. its pretty cool,,,and i guess ok for city work,,,but ill take the DM600 over it.lol.bob
  11. thats the way most of those gippo outfits operate,,,its about time they start getting after them...you can bet the CEO,s dont sit around for free,,,.crooked SOB,s...bob
  12. oh my,,,what a showoff,,,good job babba...bob
  13. wow i got one just like it,,,be cookin next weekend like most people,,,,i also am not a fan of snakes,,,thier cursed,,,they do look good on boots though.lol.bob
  14. wow excellent,,thanks for posting...bob
  15. thier usually harder than they look ,,...ill be pulling a tree shortly,,,better to call a pro.lol.bob
  16. wow nice,,,remember riding with my pop,,in a ford like that one,,around 1967,,,he was a city driver for a while...beacon fast freight....those cabovers look real clean,,,,, like the chick,,man lol.bob
  17. thats pretty cool......looks like it belongs here in my redneck town lol.bob
  18. wow,,,awfully tempting for some one....price is right....good luck...bob
  19. well good luck..it looks good.bob
  20. ya,,,im sure thats coming tom.....communist pricks....bob
  21. oh goody,,,havent heard that yet...bob
  22. wow looks good,,,welcome aboard,,and have a ball....bob
  23. got one in mine,,,air start,best way to go ...bob
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