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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. good deal,,,thats usually the first place to check,,,for any air pressure holding problem...bob
  2. your not alone,,,me and the old lady dont listen to the same stuff.lol.bob
  3. pretty good rundown,,,on your special night,,,dont think any of them turn out like you see in the movies...lol.bob
  4. ahhhh gotcha,,,guess its the ole ford,,,chevy thing.lol. hopefully we see it back all done up woohoo...i was also suprized ,,,didnt have air brakes,,,,i woulda guessed it did...bob
  5. man that thing looks like it was in pretty good shape,,,would have loved to have it,,,need more time and money...bob
  6. aaaaahhhhh god love ya,,,same here,,even thou she can be a pain in the ass,,,but so can i...lol.bob
  7. right there with ya neighbor.bob
  8. then you better keep her.bob
  9. think we all try to do that...oh except vinnie.hahahahahahaha..bob
  10. your mind is in the gutter rob..hahahahahahahahahahahahaha...bob
  11. wow,,,id rather be in that ragtop myself,,,i took a 55 chevy convertable to mine..have a ball sonny lol,bob
  12. wow,,,,just spotted this post (ERNIE) you da man.lol....i wouldnt tackle that,,,i was going to make a pickup out of a U model cab,and nose one time,,,and decided was too much work,,,and got rid of the parts good luck.lol.bob
  13. wow two fifty year olds green dash,,,and ajt....welcome to the old peoples club,,,,,best wishes fellars...bob
  14. man somebody sure put him on a pedestal,,,you wouldnt think,they were writing about the same person.bob
  15. im telling you he,s gonna pound you rob,,,he,s growing by the minute.hahahahahahahahahaha.bob
  16. hahaha ten friggen four,,my man,,,besides all this TV hype i think promotes,,and encourages more and more of this happy horseshit...over???????.bob
  17. wow lucky you,,,they were all cool in those days,,,my wife bought me my dream car in matchbox for christmas,,,couple years ago..64 galaxy 500,its hanging on the kitchen wall,thats probably the closest ill get to one lol,,,i remember when you could buy them all day long for like hundred bucks.bob
  18. they would look good on some ones slelves for like 10 bucks a piece.any more than that,,,they can keepem...lol.bob
  19. ahrite,,,dont know where im going to start,,but ill keep you informed..bob
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