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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. no what you mean,,,i used to pull cans in the 80,s,,,those people already make a fortune,,,they have no complaints,,as far as im concerned.bob
  2. lol thats quite alright my man,,,im sure my old lady would have a thing or two to say about it,,,,what are you doing home??????bob
  3. oh,,,forgot to mention tom,,,i like the chicks.lol.bob
  4. wow,,,like your sample rig,,,and welcome aboard,,,but dont know if this site is what your looking for,,,although im sure you could certainly move your product here,,,good luck bob
  5. sorry fella,s guess nobody noticed,,,,too busy with new years,,,have a swingin time,,guys,,and best wishes,,,bob
  6. one death is too many,,,that sucks...bob
  7. says day cab,,,but looks like a sleeper cab,,,looks rough but not impossible,,,...bob
  8. looks excellant so far.woohoo.bob
  9. oooooooohhhhhh tire chains,,,those things look familiar.i certainly see enough of those,,,lol.bob
  10. know what you mean,,,thier makin them in china,,,and thier large,,,is like a 10 year old girl size.large work gloves just barely fit..lol.bob
  11. happy new year everyone...bob
  12. oh brother,,,,ya how could i forget all that,,,,bob
  13. ya,,mines also on a covered porch.bob
  14. see what you mean,,,looks good cept for the viser,,,but i dont see any kenworth,,or pete...bob
  15. that would be terrific,,,thank you i figured someone on here would have them,,,i tryed barry for new moldings,,,they said they just recently discontinued them,,,besides this junkyard is real far from most of us,,,and we,re all looking for internet shipping and packaging and all that,,,i dont think this yard offers all that,,,besides why is his help all quitting????lol.bob
  16. ya,,,its a sick thought,,,but im afraid you and paul are right,,,for one thing,,,i dont think we can get enough people together with enough nuts...sucks,,,so all we can hope for is time,,,somehow kinda straighens atleast this lousy economy,,,,one thing about this era,,,instead of talking like our grandparents,,,and saying we had to walk to school everyday,,,and it was uphill both ways,,,instead we,ll be telling our grandchildren,,,sorry your lives suck now,,,when i was your age,we had it made,,,and life was a bowl a cherries.now you have to give the crooked government half your pay,,,to take care of all of us retired babyboomers lol.bob
  17. ill be barbequing tonite hamburgers but that hot sause sounds good,,,i generally dont do any barbequeing in the cold,,,but i decided i wanted burgers,and onion rings for new years eve meal.woohoo.lol.let me know if you need to unload more ill take some.bob
  18. oh,,,ya i totally agre,,,but what can we do now?????????at least rise up,and make some noise,,and let them know we,re done with your tactics,,,you will start working for us,,starting now....bob.
  19. crazy,,man,,,i keep meaning to go out and atleast buy a few more boxes.if nothing else jump on the band wagon..lol..bob
  20. ya,,,was quite a man,,,we need more heros,like that,,,if you can get this,,,thanks for all your hard work....bob
  21. thats very interesting,,,same thing here in reno,,,people are cleaning out the shelves,,, you mean to tell me,,a gun store employee,,didnt know what buck shot is?hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...bob
  22. sorry mark,,,i got the R model,,wear it everynite,,,dont wanna trade,,,got it for christmas like 6 years ago...bob
  23. have a swingin time and best wishes today and welcome aboard........ bob
  24. ya,,,well i think abuncha us have had enough,,,i know i sure have,,,somehow someone has to organize a huge nation wide protest,,,and surround the white house and demand,,,some results...i think for one thing,,,,everybody,s afraid to hurt the little bitches feelings,,,cause of the color of his skin,,,he gets away with murder,,,and the rest of us have to walk on eggshells......(ME),,,i just see a lazy spoiled system sucker,that needs to go...lets get this ball rolling...bob
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