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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. hehe,,,im with you,,,i wouldnt throw her outa bed,,,but i do think she,s an idiot,,,and sorry about your mom,,,thiers certainly allotta bullshit,,here now,,,its like they turned the whole country upside down,,,and it seems nobody with authority,,seems to give a flying hoot,,about us down here,,paying for all the system suckers to live on easy street,,,anybody know where a nobody loser like me can take a stand and face these morons,,,and tell them,,,ok we,ve had enough,,were takin the country back,,,youve had your chance,,now its up to the people?????????...bob
  2. is that the one where he,s a gravel truck driver???if it is,,havent seen it in 40 years...lol.bob
  3. welcome and enjoy....bob
  4. welcome..and good luck..bob
  5. best wishes my man,,and have a splendid day.......bob
  6. lol...smartass bob
  7. that thing is excellant thanks for sharing.bob
  8. that thing looks real clean...bob
  9. ya junior besides that truck doesnt look that way now..hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...bob
  10. wow,,,nothing like the first ride,,,,makes you feel like a kid again.lol....have a ball,,,and good luck finding your tires...bob
  11. it still looks like it wants to fall over.hahahahahahahahahahahaha.....bob
  12. lol.i guess thats what we all do...bob
  13. hahahahaha....you da man ernie....bob
  14. excellant responce hahahahahahahaha,,,ya lets keep the flag and get rid of this phony president...bob
  15. im supprized,,,between vacations,,,hes got time to wipe his own ass.lol.bob
  16. new generation,,,just dont give a damn...my company uses alotta auto inflaters,,,frankly i think thier a great idea but i wouldnt buy one,,tire guage alott cheaper.ohhhh but to answer your question,,,they seem to work well,,but just another thing to have to maintain,,even in cold weather,,,they seem to work pretty good,,,dont know what kind we use.....bob
  17. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh...but what happened to the 4,000,000 jobs he created,,,(IDIOT)..bob
  18. best wishes fella,s,,,and enjoy.bob
  19. looks good,,,lotta work.bob
  20. your truck,,makes a good leader,,,sure not hard to look at,,,too bad about the government deal,,,but thiers a big suprize,,,guess obambi,,couldnt arrange a photo shoot...glad you had fun,,,looks like a ball,,,we have allotta toy runs here....bob
  21. heh,,,ya im glad im not the only one that notices that,,,no more thought in color schemes,,,put 3 big letters on it,,,and git it out there,,very boring.bob
  22. the midliner was a good workhorse,but just about extinct now,,,think your only choise is ford now,,,wouldnt recommend IH,or freightliner...dont know anything about chevy,,,but your probably gonna wind paying more for a medium duty,,,than a heavier one..good luck..bob
  23. best wishes guys...bob
  24. wow thats messed up,,,i didnt think those ever broke,,,glad you didnt break anything,,,but flying back that way,,,reminded me of a time i went to unload a 55 gallon drum off a trailer,,,and gave it a big ole all my might tug to lean it towards me,so i could roll it,,,and it was empty,,,went flying back like 15 feet on my ass,,,people watchin of coarse,,,think i got my feelings hurt more than anything.lol.bob
  25. holy shit,,,is that a hand crank??????looks pretty restorable...good luck,,have a ball with it,,,and welcome...bob
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