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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. ahrite thanks..there was another one somewhere in jamestown,ny,i suppose its gone also ..bob
  2. ah gotcha,,i didnt even know it was gone... my 62,f model i think was built there.my 66 DM was built in allentown..thanks bob
  3. oh ok,well i guess thats what i was looking for,,was is it able,but you could probably do your own cement work with it.lol.thanks .sure not hard to look at,hows the interior?,and you still on vacation?bob
  4. was wondering if you ever use it to deliver cement,,looks like its ready to work.bob
  5. ok,,,if this helps ya,,,the site is getting more and more appealing,ya baby.lol.bob
  6. ahrite,,,you da man.lol.bob
  7. looks to me its time for ribs.nice lites.lol.bob
  8. ya,,,appreciate all your doing,barry,,dont take the bellyachin to heart,,were abuncha grouchy old guys,that dont like any changes,,least thats what the ole lady says.lol.im sure we will all like it,once we all get used to it,,and the changes are complete..bob
  9. i think most of us are in the fog,,bud guess we got new icons.woohoo,,but its awfully confusing rite now.bob
  10. well im glad your so excited ,,,babba rest of us are struggling..geeeeesuuus even the icons are gone.boohoo,,well ill hang tough,and sleep on it,,try again in the morning..sure my hero barry will hook us up.lol.bob
  11. holy crap,,,boy that engine work must have been a fortune.geeeees... hats off to ya man.bob
  12. no,,man they changed everything,,,dont like it,and everything on my profile is differant,,dont know why picture is blurry.bob
  13. well i guess we gotta figure this site all over again,,,everything is differant..uuuuurrrrggg !!!!!!!!take a while i guess,,cant figure out how to do anything.lol...bob
  14. awfully nosy,,for a fake,lol.bob
  15. man,,,i like your car,,i had a 62 wagon,same color got off original owner 77 th miles,,wish i didnt sell it,guess everone, s sorry they sold something.bob

  16. what the hell is this guys problem,,that truck is pretty clean,and havent seen one in quite some time.it doesnt look like it needs much bob
  17. ya,,,man...what a beautiful job,,,hope my DM comes out that good..very nice.bob
  18. heh heh,,ya,im goin banana,s myself,,been off since march 2nd..anxious to get back to the big rat race.you get well yourself.glad your recovering,,seeya bob

  19. rite there with ya,,man..prefer everthing painted,,of coarse i do really appreciate a ground up,,body off restoration,,pisses me off to see mr chrome show up,and get all the praze,,while these other fellars that work real hard with detailing,thier trucks,sanding,and painting,and new bolts,insulation,exc..basicly going thru everything,,have to get in line behind mr. chrome..happens all the time.bob
  20. that was wonderful,,but thats what that joker thinks of the american people also.(good one).bob
  21. you know,,this country worries too much about hurting everbody,s feelings,,rather than getting down to business and start making money..who the hell cares about the spotted owl,they will move on to another forest...and endangered fish,,,when your fellow american taxpayer is starving to death.lets bring back logging,and drilling.concerned american.bob
  22. ya,,,gotta be carefull,my wife was telling me most of pet food is imported now,,and the gooks dont mind poisening thier own babys,,were the hell does that leave your pet?concerned american..bob
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