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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. like it myself,,,would look better with spokes...lol.bob
  2. ya right lolololololololololololololololololololbob
  3. well,,,i think you will do ok,with dirt hauling,,,at least out here,,,it pays very well...its not as gypo as freight trucks have become,,best,of luck,,,wish you the best,,,best tip i can give save your money...as much as you can.and welcome to the site,,,enjoy..bob
  4. nice work,,,but you take shitty pictures...lol.bob
  5. hehe,,,i think they look good,,but to each his own i guess.lol.bob
  6. love your truck,,,but you take shitty pictures lol bob
  7. see what you mean,,,just looks like a pile a shit to me,,,whats the 20 on the eye candy,,,think i missed something myself...lol.bob
  8. wow,,,loke all even the cornbinder cabover,,,seems ive seen it somewhere working,,maybe 30 yrs ago...bob
  9. yup,,,but if thier not,,,they still go down nice.lol.bob
  10. ya,,,, i can appreciate your complaint,,,but was sorry to see you go,,,bob
  11. wow,,,like a big candy store,,,too bad about Roy,,,but i guess at his age,life doesnt owe him anything..bob
  12. hey welcome aboard,,,and good luck.bob
  13. i do it from photo album,,,if that helps you.bob
  14. now thats just simply hilarious rob.lolololololololololol...bob
  15. nice to see some real iron for a change,,,sure beats the hell outa some of the boring shit around here.wow...bob
  16. ah,,,gotcha,,,actually read the story this time,,,lolololol too funny i expect they drew a croud.bob
  17. all i saw was two big bulls in a pen,,,musta seen wrong story,,,my computer does strange things sometimes...ill look again,,,but now its time for mo barbeque ribs,,,and corn.lol.bob
  18. must missed something bob
  19. wow,,,lucky you,,,havent seen one of those carts in years,,,remember when they were quite common.bob
  20. thats very interesting,,,thiers a guy on here thats restoring one,,,he,s pissed at us right now,,and hasnt been posting
  21. i think they all went to neighbors for free hotdogs lolololol..bob
  22. well it dont take much to hold charcoals,,,but ill tell ya what that smoked chicken,,,was the best ive ever had in my life,,,i mean absolutely outstanding bob..oh by the way welcome home
  23. hey man best wishes.on your big day,,,,have a swingin time my friend,,im getting ready for a motorcycle rally.seeya.bob
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