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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. that was excellant mark,,thanks,,,theres an email somebody sent me,recently,,,wish i knew how to post it,,,know it would get lots of attention...bob
  2. beautiful vehicle,,,but when i vacation,i prefer,harley,s,and hotels..come on back,over?lol...bob
  3. that was very interesting,,,what a country...bob
  4. you know,they say what comes around go,s around.lol..i get to keep a mack steering wheel hanging up in my kitchen wall.woohoo...bob
  5. i would absolutely go for it,,good truck,,good engine,,but wouldnt go much over $8000...good luck...bob
  6. ok,might as well join the party,,,my uncle had a jenney station,used to pump gas there,in the summer,,,with old crank pumps,but,he wound up selling it years later,,,went to work for a ford dealership,,said it was allot easier,and full benefits and pention...when he did that,,,said he should have done it a long time ago.lol.bob
  7. oh,ok,well it almost seems profitable to find a used bench lathe,and then one could redo everbody,s hinges,woohoo,iwas thinging about making one for stuff like that,,sounds fun....bob
  8. they didnt always use bulldogs,either,the dogs came along later,and then they started calling them a bulldog mack back then,dont know when...a freind of mine has two of them,open cab jobs in california,,one runs and drives,,its a neat old truck...welcome aboard ,,man...bob
  9. thats,,,very interesting,,,and good advise...bob
  10. if this is any help,,home depot has a good selection of brass bushings,ive got allott of them there for differant projects,and if thier not quite right,can sand them slightly,till they fit,also,was wodering if you can put the right side door hinges on the left,like i do with the later R model doors,,the rights are always nice and tight,lol.good luck..bob
  11. mowerman


    well well well,,,i guess we can kiss our retirement good bye,,,no other comment,,over???..lol bob
  12. well then you should be in pretty good shape,,just get the paperwork,and split,,that two stick should be a 6 speed,,its probably not a splitter like you think...good luck,and have a ball...bob
  13. seems like they were american stations,in my area,,till like 1971,,didnt even notice that,,maybe thats just the name of the place!!!!it looks like the jimco truck stop,in manteca,california,,,guess allota them back then were built alight,,,truckstop style...bob
  14. mark,,,,,that is friggen hilarious.lol thanks,,,bob
  15. wanna go back there,,,yes! absolutely,for sure,yup!.lol bob
  16. think its yours,,with a bigger engine.lol...bob
  17. wow,,,what a catch,,looks like a nice little project for ya,,,good shape...bob
  18. ya,thats a very good point,mike,you would have thought the vender coulda gotta good deal on an old LJ,for shuttle work ,plus that thing looks like its on its last legs,sept for the tires and rims...bob
  19. hey pawel,,,i took a buncha pictures of my DM,,but they vall came out lousy,,i deleted them all,,,better luck next time.lol bob
  20. wow,,very creative,barry,,,same ole story lol see me when i got money...bob
  21. congradulations,on your purchase..bob,do you know how long its been sitting?
  22. welcome aboard,,hope vyou solve your problem,,sounds like an easy fix...bob
  23. sorry cant help ya,,too far away.lol,,cheapest i can find is $150 a year,farmers...bob
  24. ya,thats not gonna work,,,gotem everywhere dont we?...bob
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