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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. ya,,,well i think abuncha us have had enough,,,i know i sure have,,,somehow someone has to organize a huge nation wide protest,,,and surround the white house and demand,,,some results...i think for one thing,,,,everybody,s afraid to hurt the little bitches feelings,,,cause of the color of his skin,,,he gets away with murder,,,and the rest of us have to walk on eggshells......(ME),,,i just see a lazy spoiled system sucker,that needs to go...lets get this ball rolling...bob
  2. bottom line...ernie...can do whatever he wants,,,and they just keep sweeping it under the carpet,,,,im just drove cause he doesnt salute the american flag,and prays with the muslums,,,,and this is ok with everyone...woooooowww.can go on and on,,,but thats it for now...what a country...bob
  3. sorry to hear that paul,,,seems were all getting worse and worse,everyday,,,while these system suckers in office,,,do absolutely nothing,to help us,,,talked to a childhood pal the other day,,,and he was telling me he has to work harder now,,,than he did when he started out in the bodyshop bussiness,,,as a teenager,,,and i thought that was discusting,,,then i started to think,,,,ya me too,,,when i started trucking,,in 1973,,as a teenager,teamster job,,,had the world by the ass,,i also was working allot easier than i am now..39 years later,,,i gotta work my ass off.(WTF)..wow what a country...bob
  4. just noticed this,,,ya i noticed that,myself,,,a friend of mine just gave me one recently that he didnt need anymore,,,and the spout doesnt even fit in most of my equipment tanks,,,and ernie,,,speaking of tires,,,i think my company is also going to them,,,we have been buying some tread here recently,,,that just looks like highway tread,,,and putting them on the drivers,,,thier eisier to chain up,,,but i dont see how they would grip at all.bob
  5. cool pics junior,,,id like to have that workshop,,,,could do without the snow.lol.bob
  6. sorry missed this one,,,had a terrific one,,,hope you did too...11 days off,,,back to the old grind tonite.lol.bob
  7. crazy kid,,lol...glad you had a ball wee did too...bob
  8. back atcha mark,,,have a swingin time.merry christmas..lol.bob
  9. hehehe,,,excellant,,,enjoy the little one...bob
  10. hehe,,,have a ball/////bob
  11. dont know if you did this,,,but i like to remove injectors and shoot abuncha motor oil into cylenders with oil can let it soak into rings before turning engine over,,,if its been sitting a while,,,you must be getting excited,,,i would be good luck...it loooks good so far...bob
  12. just what we need in this racket,,,more jokers like him,,,good luck,,,and i also smell a rat,,,bob
  13. didnt even notice that thing,,,,good year....bob
  14. wow sounds like a lotta bother,,,i woulda just stuck with the smoke hahahahahahahahahahahaha...bob
  15. excellant,,,generally people just get stuck with these dumb idea,s weather they work or not...one misfit decides its best for us,and gets a big pat on the back,for it,,and thousands of us get stuck,dealing with garbage that just makes our jobs harder and more time consuming,,,,ohhhh but the misfit,,doesnt care,,he dont have to use them...lol.bob
  16. good luck mjy friend...bob
  17. it sounds like a gas job,,,,and no smoke WTF...bob
  18. thanks for the road photo,s mark excellant as usual....bob
  19. have a swingin birthday,,,,and yes i like the chick.lol.bob
  20. wow,,,used to drive a mustang in the 70,s,,,looked just like that 9000,,,wow,,,like to have it,,,also too far from here,,,im sure he wont have trouble getting rid of them...bob
  21. seems to work for them,now they want us all buying thier poluting energy saving light bulbs,,,dont forget ernie,,,they know whats best for us.hehehehe,,boy nancy palosi,,,and her blood sucking followers,,,must be having a field day with all this school shooting bit....bob
  22. ya,,,,now all of a sudden the lousy fuel economy,,,is fine...long as it passes thier chicken shit,,,emmissions,,,wonder what obambi thinks about that,,,oooooooooooooohhhhhhhh ya lets all go to electric...hahahahahahahahahahahaha...bob
  23. ohhhhhh ya man that was excellant,,,i certainly didnt expect that.lol.bob
  24. more unnessesary bullshit...too many people with too much free time on thier hands,,,my company just recently had to start putting those under skirts on all our trailers,and mud guards over the tires,,some jackoff decided in california that they all need to have them,,,makes it a real drag to put on tire chains,,with these skirts,and mud guards so they didnt figure in those of us that have to chain up everynite on donner pass both ways...(IDIOTS)more obambi voters i expect...bob
  25. looks good,,,like the green,,,should paint the whole truck that shade,,,good luck with it...bob
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