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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. well put,,my man,,ya trump is discusted,,he says everyone is laughing at us,and that is quite embarrasing...but its fun to watch a man with his power,make that phony president shiver in his boots lol.ya,it about time we take our country back..(lets go USA woohoo)concerned citizen.4?..lol bob
  2. pardem me for being ignorant,,,was wondering what u were doing,and why...bob
  3. mowerman

    The Heat

    yyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,,,,,,,,,,,,,rrrrrrriiiiiitttteeeeeeeeeeee.lol...summertime,,,babba...love it..bob
  4. wasnt sure,if you had the right page,this is mowerman,with a DM600..bob

  5. hey,little bud,,was wondering how that big truck was coming along.keep me posted

  6. well good luck to ya,partner...wont be there this year,possibly next year,,would be nice..thanks for sharing...bob
  7. thats a classical model you have.i own a DM600 myself,mines a 66 i have 3 big mack manuals,,,so feel free to ask me specific questions about it,i would be happy to answer them...i think you have a 237...bob
  8. hey man,,,welcome aboard,,,theres allota information,here.good luck...bob
  9. lol,,,ya expect you gotta millian of them,,,well glad to see its still a pretty good position,thats great
  10. ya,,,same with the cash for clunkers..turned in all american steel,,and bought jap cars,,,what a deal..bob
  11. welcome mackman,,,no picture...bob
  12. hehe,,,a friend of mine,,he,s passed on now,,but he used to tell me storie,s like that all the time,always hitting stuff,couldnt be helped,said he dragged a traffic light..overhead type like 75 miles one time...cop watched him hit it,its just funny to listen to,afterwards,he hauled overloads for years,,said it used to be a great paying gig,,years back..he enjoyed it,no nights,no weekends,no holidays,and always pilot cars,usually had the whole road to yourself...bob
  13. hey man,,was wondering when they quit making DM600.thanks bob
  14. ya,,that one looks good,ofcoarse everyone has a favorite color,,,but its setup rite nice,,,i like that bumper,,perfect size
  15. 3 millian miles,,,then its time to get rid of that ole junker,and buy a mack this time...lol bob
  16. wow,,now theres a beautiful ride,,i kinda miss cabovers,not many left,atleast out here,,,i owned two of them...bob
  17. ya,,and i was trying to refi,my house to put up a nice shop to work in,and they told me,to get lost,cause im upside down on my loan,,,what pisses me off the most is i was going to be putting that extra money into the economy,buying labor,and supply.s,kinda doing my little part,,but now my hands are tied,,were the hell are all these bailout people when i need alittle something..i would have thought since my credit was squeeky clean,they would have hooked me up,,what a deal,, loosing faith real quick,maybe i should just quit paying for it,,,see how they like that,,,seems good credit,,dont even matter these days.another happy american...bob....oh,and yes im venting
  18. hey,man welcome aboard,and enjoy your new truck,,,bob

  19. wow,,,pretty impressive,mark...thanks....bob
  20. some of our kenworths,are made in mexico,,,like my 05,but i noticed the 09,s i think are made in ohio,dont know what the deal is,but this import bulls--t is gone way overboard,,,dont even have a choise anymore,,such as everything im wearing,is shipped in from another country,shoes,pants,shirt,teeshirt,belt,undie,s,watch,socks,my god..WTF...enough is enough,i guess im not an all american boy,anymore.lol...bob
  21. lol,now you gotta think thats funny.....bob
  22. you know thier pretty cool for city work...bob
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