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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. ya...teeeeen,,,i like the photo to my left,,,and yes,,what U model.lol.thanks for sharing mark,,,and welcome home...bob
  2. .i see that.the chicks ok,,but look at them U,s baby... lol bob
  3. like the chick,,,ya baby,,,and what U models,,,what trucks.lol.bob
  4. who cares,,,send her over.bob
  5. holy shitcakes,,,i liked the first chick,,,till i saw the second one,,,now shes my favorite,,,and i didnt notice any U models in this post.lol.bob
  6. wow,,,wont last at that price.bob
  7. ya too bad about the van guy,,,doesnt look like enough damage to kill anyone...bob
  8. welll.you just made my day with that piece a shit story,,,what a country,,,then when you got a legitimate claim,,,they tell you to get lost..bob
  9. that thing looks good that looks like fun,,,let me try it...bob
  10. mowerman


    hey welcome back neighbor... bob
  11. man thats messed up...bob
  12. i had a cruiseliner,,,i really liked it,,although i think the ultra is slightly better looking.bob
  13. no one seems to know??????????bob
  14. dont quite get your question,,,far as i know R models didnt use the glass body,,,that started with the ch,,and the ultra liner,,,around 84.bob
  15. think he keeps losing his password....bob
  16. wow that thing looks excellant...bob
  17. oh my god vinny,,,you are one track minded.lol...bob
  18. ya welcome man,,,and ill also take some dunkin donuts,bob
  19. ya,,,south paw is lefty thats about what i think about nascar..lol...now theres paint drying.bob
  20. wondering that myself........get back here,,,rob bob
  21. ive driven all of those trucks...good times baby.lol.bob
  22. excellant thanks for sharing bob
  23. figured you knew that,,,i woulda changed that firstlolololololololololololollll drove my crazy,,,gotta go,,,jack danials,,,and a cigar seeya man bob
  24. dont know if you knew this,,,your left mirror bracket is not right....bob
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