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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. hehe didnt even notice that,jay,,,its in such piss poor shape,,i thought it was original..looks like a nice project truck,for someone,,,but he will still have to drop a few bucks.bob
  2. mowerman

    Three Jobs:

    oh ya,,thier just fulla brilliant idea,s..long as thier not affected...(IDIOTS).bob
  3. ya,,,i could deal with that 63.woohhoo..bob
  4. welcome have a ball....bob
  5. mowerman

    Three Jobs:

    frankly,,,i think all 3 of those AAAholes are worthless as tits on a bull....bob
  6. mowerman

    Three Jobs:

    ya,,,the whole country was in way better shape,,,but he was also the one that started afta,,and that was the beginning of the end.bob
  7. wow,,that one short nose says it only has 9000 miles,if you can believe that,like to have that one,,,i would probably actually try to work it.bob
  8. ya,,,looks good thanks for sharing.bob
  9. dont know what to make of this,,,least its a ford,,,its very interesting,lol.bob
  10. id guess 25 a piece make sure you let them install glass into frames.lol.bob
  11. looks excellant fun to play with.lol.bob
  12. aint that a bitch...good luck.bob
  13. wow,,,that was excellant tom,,,thanks,and keepem comin....4????lol bob
  14. hahaha,,you know ive never been a barefoot type,,,my wife could go the rest of her life that way,,i cant stand it,at all..lol...welcome home tom,,,and enjoy your weekend.bob
  15. thanks man ill check it out,,,i really enjoy those,,,bob
  16. its as if he thinks its the only B model in captivity.lol...bob
  17. i would buy an old beater cabover mack,,and pull out the drive line,,allot easier,,besides your quad box wont handle that much power..good luck.bob
  18. sometimes you have to squeeze the prongs inside were coax hooks to middle section on antenna,,scrape off any corrosion,around connections,and shoot wd40 on all the connections.good luck bob
  19. teeeen.lol.bob
  20. i bit in to a dog biscuit once when i was a kid just to see what it tasted like,,and i can still taste that rotton sob and that was 47 yrs ago.lol.bob
  21. haha,,,good luck man.......we all want that.bob
  22. wow,,,that thing looks pretty good.bob
  23. now thats hilarious,,i like the rattle can caper,,,i expect it would certainly draw a crowd here,lol.bob
  24. got two really cherry doors off a buster brown F model,,put them on my DM,,,great catch...also ive seen them sell trucks to the public,,but ya they usually scrap them,,and cut up the frames.bob
  25. that R might bring in a few G,s every thing else parts..bob good luck
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