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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. hey,,welcome neighbor.bob
  2. think we all had a deal like that at one time.bob
  3. i would start with a good size library,,would be suprized what the carry,,good luck.bob
  4. that sound like your starter is wore out,,should crank a little longer,the paddles may be woreout,,and a new starter is around $800 should get like 15 seconds,but that should be plenty,you dont get much more,,but it spins real fast,,gotta shoot a little eather in it,when its cold,,will fire right up,in around 2 seconds,,when mine starts,i still have 90 pounds left,i put all new parts in mine,and it holds air for months,,they are a good system,,especially if your not going to drive it much,,dont have to mess with all those battery,s and electric parts,,but they can be a real nightmare if you get a little leak in the system,that you cant find..bob
  5. mmmm,,,maybe they went to one color after a while.bob
  6. (ya) me too but i wanna go back and stay there,,besides i would like to be 40 years younger again,,,and yes it was a much easier time,,,people were much freindlier,and made allot more money,,for less work,,,all around great time.bob
  7. ya,,thats what i thought ,,,remember seeing them parked there,,they had quite a few of them all lined up with the green steel dashboards,woohoo,,seems like just yesterday,,,was like 40 years ago.bob
  8. that was excellant man,thanks for sharing..once in a while ill run across something sitting somewhere,,with those old original style dolley wheels...wow.bob
  9. wow,,very well put,,looks like some of these jokers nowadays are wearing thier wives clothes.lol.bob
  10. geeeeees sorry man,,,good luck with the sale.bob
  11. dont have any,man,,,but i think i remember them,,seems they used to be green,,in the early 70,s..good luck my friend.bob
  12. dont doubt that,,man..i used to drive one with the volvo engine,,the thing got lousy milage,,,and the engineers are idiots,,ther not driver friendly at all,,sept for the ride,,but who cares about that.lol.bob
  13. welcome to the site,,that truck dousnt look bad at all,,,rather than change all your starter setup,,mount a small air compresser pump,on a plate,and a small mower engine to push the pump,,that way u got all the air you need if you run out...would be allot cheaper,than changing everything...choice is yours..good luck.bob
  14. macks were never known for smooth riding,,too bad about all that cutting up,,,should save the gas for all the volvos.lol.bob
  15. wow,,thats a wild trip,man,,but looks like those folks on the sidewalk,are not a bit interested.lol.thanks for sharing..bob
  16. looks good,,thanks for sharing.bob
  17. welcome,,love your truck.bob
  18. you know,,,its not so much the labor issue....just get tired of the chrome goodies outdoing the elbow grease,,and i know you can appreciate that....but im still wetting my pants,over that blue LJ..wow that thing is tits...man.bob
  19. now that thing is excellant...wow.bob,,,i woulda just hired a couple of neighborhood kids to do all the polishing,,,but hats off to ya,babba..bob
  20. thought it was pepsi,,,geeeees that truck looks ready to go just the way it is,,,just a quick wash job.bob
  21. ya,,,i can appreciate your oppinion,,,if your a fan,,just thought you never see them for sale cause nobody wants them,,hehe i wish the owner all the luck in the world getting his full amount,,,and i didnt realize they were rare,,,it still looks beat to death to me,,,and most of them were,out here,,mostly off road water trucks,,or loggers..bob
  22. man,,that is a good lookin rig,,wow congradulations,,and welcome to the site..good luck with it.bob
  23. heh,,,that was pretty good,,thanks for sharing.bob
  24. ya,,thats what i did,,come out real nice,,just hit any steel yard,and pickup your supply,s.bob
  25. still think its a beater,and aint worth s---t, i put it in the $75,000 bel air catagory,oh my dont see many of those.woohoo besides i dont see anyone racing over there..take the 2,900.(hand) and feel damn lucky ..lol.bob
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