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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. shoulda put them together,,woulda made a cute little heart,,,specially against that cute little pink background.lol. dont know what they are.bob
  2. ya,,,see what you mean,,,every b ive ever seen had straight sticks...interesting.bob
  3. its probably a little more,,depends on if its a twin axle,,but dont tell him,lol.bob
  4. man,,,what a shitbox,,see what he means by parts truck,.lol.bob
  5. geeeeesssssuuuuussss,,,WHAT AN A----HOLE...i know where he can put that one.lol.bob
  6. seems a little steep,,for its age,,and low horsepower,,,but it does look good,,nice paint.bob
  7. appreciate the update,,rob,,,had to get my old lady over to show me what was up,lol...just noticed this...havent been on here much,,since i went back to work,,,all i do is work..bob
  8. hey rob,,,havent had much time for this site,,,since i went back to work,,but glad things are lookin up for ya,,,and best of luck,,,bob
  9. holy crap,,,too bad its so far away,,boohoo.bob
  10. ya,,,,man dont be nitpicking,,,grab it,man,,,and dont worry about the polarity right now...lol.bob
  11. thats just crooked,,,and thier japs on toppa that??????????????enemy fags.woohoo,,,dont get any better....lol.bob
  12. you know,,,ive looked at this,,,numerous times,,and cant find the humer,,,what am i missing,,,,mark,,,except the dingbat in the middle?...bob
  13. ya,,,im with you babba,,,around here,,LT owners are in a class of there own,,,none of them do thier own work,,,and they all show up clean,with thier noses in the air,,,taken all the trophys,for doing absolutely nothing,mexicans,,do all the ballbusting,,,and get no credit....and they do absollutely nothing for me,,,as it is....especially fulla chrome goodie,s...lol yawn yawn.bob
  14. ya,,man good for you,,thats a nice looking ride,,,have a ball with it.
  15. i saw that for sale somewheres,,have a ball.bob
  16. wow,,,could deal with that mustang,also.bob
  17. geeeeeeeeesssssssuuuuuussssssss 9G,s for that pile a s----t,,,bob
  18. ya,man,,for 3 G,s..i couldnt pay him quick enough,,before he changes his mind,,sounds like the air compresser governer is out,,thier like 25 bucks.good luck bob
  19. wow,,,now thats a ride,but it looks like the bulldog is balancing dumbo on his nose.lol.bob
  20. take all the screws out,and the both covers off,,and thiers copper discs inside,,they will probably be full of dirt,and oxidize,,,scrape them off with a knife,and put back together,,but be carefull sometimes the screws break off..good luck,and drink alotta beer.lol.bob
  21. the 285 is a good engine,,i think maybe its a browning 2 speed,behind the roadranger..and yes,,price is high,,unless its just what you want,and low mileage on engine,and all good rubber,,pretty much ready to work,,without nickel,,and diming you to death.paint looks tired.lol.good luck.bob
  22. lol,,,that is really weird,,,i would have pictured you to look like the the first guy...wow.bob
  23. thats hilarious.lol.bob
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