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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. sometimes,its interesting to see what they have to say,on simple things,like cables..or at least you would think,,,sometimes they have some very interesting suggestions,,that a big ole fatman like myself,,,never thought of,,,if id had put the boosters on properly,,,it might not have blown up.lol.bob
  2. thats happen to me twice,in my life,,one time i was leaning over it,,but my shirt got most of the juice,,,scary man.bob
  3. you know,,i havent seen one in years,,not even parked anywhere,,,i tell you i wish i had more money,and more time.bob
  4. ya,,,remember when i was a kid,,thier was quite a few of them out there,,,very popular with bedbuggers...and yes they are very cool..lol two story falcon,,,havent heard that in years.bob
  5. hehe,,just saw this one,very good..lol..boy that solar panel deal,,sure takes the cake,,,but watch him wiggle outa that,,,like he does with everthing else....(idiot).bob
  6. hilarious,,,,lol...certainly didnt expect that...bob
  7. ya,,,very nice,,i also have a gas air compresser 5 horse briggs,,its real handy...i like your idea about sitting in the shade,and watchin it run,lol..if that kid insists on shooting snakes...i think he should start making western boots for all 6300 members,,,including barry,,,but if he does,,,i want the first pair,since it was my idea...,,tell him size ten over?...bob
  8. hehe,,you know thats very interesting,,,im also a member,aths,,and thats just about what i think of them,,,as well as a buncha worthless.sobs...i was so furious last year,when they had thier national show in pleasantan,,,i thought cool ill take the ole lady on the harley,and truck on over,,its not far from me,,,and those dicks held it like friday,saturday,,ended on saturday,and it was a friggen 3 day weekend,and i couldnt make it,,cause i had to work friday night,,,but they pull crap like that all the time,,,they just dont seem to give a dam about members that have to work...they did the same thing here in reno,,last week 3 day weekend,,and they held the show on saturday,,,what the hell is this,,,so i made the show,,,but had to work all night,,,and show up exhausted,,,and yes(THEY ARE A BUNCHA PRICKS)bob
  9. i thinki what were trying to figure out is that toggle type valve the same part no,except for the nameplate,,both trailer valve,,and slippery road,,im thinking,,,you can interchange them,,,but im thinkin thier probably obsolete anyway,less someone has some n.o.s. somewheres,,rite?..bob
  10. check around passenger seat,for safety latch,,,any truck supply should have replacement signal stat switch,,ill check my manual for safety release,on my 83 cruiseliner the safety hooks,were also activated by pumping,or releasing the jack oil.good luck.bob
  11. wow,,,good for you.bob
  12. cant think of anything you dont already know,,,look for oil smoke,,water in oil,listen for unusual grinding in driveline,,,if your going to be paying big money,,,if your only talking a couple G,s then you cant be too picky.lol.good tires,and battery,s sure helps...they can be expensive,specialy 10 wheels...good luck.bob
  13. good for you,,you must be jumping around like a little kid,,,were all excited to see the vidio...congradulations on you big achivement...wow.bob
  14. .lol,,,was thinkin the same thing,,,not too terribly horrible.bob
  15. ya,,its the compresser,,the seals blown,,you know you got high pressure oil lines on it,,or at least some of them,,good luck bob
  16. we use them on our congears,,they say bendix emergency,,and back in 66,,they did use wet road type switch for trailer,,was before the color coding...and before people were stupid.lol.bob
  17. on that one should be black,,,bendix still carrythem.bob
  18. you know,,im not a big fan of polished aluminum,,but you gotta like that one,,,nice color,very creative to use as camper truck,and yes tom,,it would look good in your driveway...bob
  19. well,,,very well put,,fellars,,,didnt see the phony speech,,,was asleep,,,cause i work all night,,,but im sure it was the same ole thing we get from this phony..SOB.more charley browns teacher,womp womp womp womp,applause,,,wamp wamp aplause....bob
  20. your probably right,ernie,,,noticed that guy cant even find,bolts for his 68 250,,,for crissakes...what is this?????????...supprised they dont just turn you on to china bolts like everything else.i havent had the need to buy anything.thing new for my DM,,,all used parts so far,,but now i see what im up againt lol.bob
  21. oh,,,thats messed up,,,well thiers lotsa old engines,and parts out there,,you will find them.good luck ,,,and have patience...but now i see what bullhust was talking about,,,WOW.lol bob
  22. ya,,,compared to what you got,,that setup looks easy...good advise..bob
  23. welcome aboard,,,lotsa good info here.bob

    1. mowerman


      might take you a while to figure it all out..bob

  24. sorry,man been pretty tied up,,lately,work has been hectic,,will try to post tomorrow morning,,,less you already got it,,,let me know...bob
  25. thats the ugliest thing i ever seen.bob
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