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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. mark,,,,,that is friggen hilarious.lol thanks,,,bob
  2. wanna go back there,,,yes! absolutely,for sure,yup!.lol bob
  3. think its yours,,with a bigger engine.lol...bob
  4. wow,,,what a catch,,looks like a nice little project for ya,,,good shape...bob
  5. ya,thats a very good point,mike,you would have thought the vender coulda gotta good deal on an old LJ,for shuttle work ,plus that thing looks like its on its last legs,sept for the tires and rims...bob
  6. hey pawel,,,i took a buncha pictures of my DM,,but they vall came out lousy,,i deleted them all,,,better luck next time.lol bob
  7. wow,,very creative,barry,,,same ole story lol see me when i got money...bob
  8. congradulations,on your purchase..bob,do you know how long its been sitting?
  9. welcome aboard,,hope vyou solve your problem,,sounds like an easy fix...bob
  10. sorry cant help ya,,too far away.lol,,cheapest i can find is $150 a year,farmers...bob
  11. ya,thats not gonna work,,,gotem everywhere dont we?...bob
  12. wow,,very nice,,beautiful house,,see why cant have junk there now,lol.bob
  13. ya,,,mostly what i noticed was the air cleaner,,dont know anything about a 8 cylinder,was told gold bulldog was mack engine,,so that would make sence,,,why the farr air cleaner?
  14. was wondering if you new anyone with directions to DM800 model,,,i have model,no instruction sheet.was hoping someone put one together,and saved the box,,,thanks bob

  15. right there,with ya,,man,,geeees what a nice neat job,it doesnt look possible to come out so nice,,,bob
  16. gooks good,man...very nice job,yes we need more shots of it..bob
  17. thats what happens,,,when you send a boy to do mens work...thats not good,,,big expence for someone..bob
  18. i hadnt thought of that,,,thats messed up,,,nice to hear from ya.bob
  19. sorry bout my missspelling,ernie have a soplendid day my man
  20. thanks for the wishes,bullhust,,happy fathers day to all,have a splendid day fellars...bob
  21. ya,,,looks good,,,another mack western,looks like,with a cummins...
  22. go to page 7 photo gallery,look for red r model,with a dog in it,,guy has a good picture of dashboard ,with tachogragh..enjoy the photo,s...lol...bob
  23. its a tattle tale stool pigeon,we used to call them,put paper charts in them,and wind the clock,,so the company can tell when,and how long you stopped,and how fast you went..on that model,it was probably right behind steering wheel,next to tach
  24. welcome to wonderland.lol...bob
  25. saw a p17,in an old crime series the other day,,,thought of you right away,or at least i thought it was,double winger bob

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