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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. i have a mack transmission manual,let me know...bob
  2. well if this makes any sence,i remember it,but dont remember anything about it
  3. yup,i do,and joan blondell,as miss kitty,actually thier running those here in reno,,it was the original gunsmoke,started off as a show called matt dillen in 1955,dont know when it went to gunsmoke...(friggen cool baby)actually i dont remember it being called that,,,but hardly anyone remembers chester
  4. ok i get it,it doesnt show up,till you press post,,,thanks man,now i got a new toy,,,woohoo
  5. well this is just a test ,,,lets see what happens
  6. holy crap,,last one was very interesting,,thanks for sharing,, that b model looks like they still run it,,and ill be rite over for a few ribs,,ill bring the beer!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. ya got lucky,they just started 2 new channels,regular TV they both have a pretty good line up...bob
  8. well,appreciae that fellars,,lol,,i guess if half of us cant read,the spelling wont matter......bob..enjoying gunsmoke,now woohoo!!!! also cant seem to add emoticons..dont know what im doing wrong,,,guess im still trying to figure this site out.lol
  9. now thats hilarious,,,mark...you see we atleast moved up to a push button job.that stand up job takes me too long 4?...you know evertime i see that dale charector,,cant spell it,,,keep meaning to ask,do they still show king of the hill in your area,they took it off here,but i dont have cable...bob.. p.s.dont know why we dont have spell check on this
  10. ya,thats me,,,although i do allotta texting,,and dont have a keyboard,,so it takes a while.lol bob
  11. whats a redneck,gonna do with all that technology??????????????hehe..im getting tired just looking at the pictures,lol..good luck bubba....bob
  12. ya,,,they just started reruns,here in reno,lately.....,rawhide gunsmoke,bonanza rifleman,glad to have them back,brings me back to a happy time,when life was good,and no problems,,i guess he was just about the last one,,but i was reading an aticle about john anderson,(western star) still alive,was supprized..have a splendid weekend guys.....bob
  13. hey mike,was wondering if you had a brother,ed?

  14. that was very clever,,,babba,beautiful job,,,just saw it on the posted pictures,very nice,,,bob

  15. oh my god,,what a tearjerker,,just noticed this,,thanks for sharing,and im terribly sorry to hear that..i feel your pain,my dad was only 62,,that was thirty years ago,,,but i sure dont forget what a rough time i had,now my mom died last month on my birthday...you know its a totally normal part of life,,,but sure dont make it any easier...im sure i speak for all of us....sincerely....bob
  16. ya,,he,s rite,,used to own one,,think that bobbed off lite,had its own part no.and the rounded part of vent goes to the front...bob
  17. well,,thats certainly embarrasing,hope they get it straightened out for you,,they should have swapped it out for you in one day,and had you on your way,,thats rediculous...good luck...bob
  18. oh my god,,,look at the stoolpigien,tattletale,(sorry about spelling)havent seen one in years...lol.bob
  19. looks like a pretty clean tractor,to start with...bob
  20. holy crap,,you guys are certainly going to town..are you putting the twin axle in,or out?lets see some interior shots...bob
  21. too far away,babba,,,you,ll have to manage without me this time.lol...bob
  22. ya,,he,s a real swell guy also...i had been passing his place for like 25 years,and wondered what was up with all the macks,finally i met him at a truck show in fontana around 5 years ago..he buys and sells mack trucks,and parts,,he has allotta stuff,reasonable prices,,excellant guy to trade with,,i wish i had allot more money to spend there,,,talk about a candy store.lol...bob
  23. no,,the open faces the front..bob
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