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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. ya,man,,,you might find you dont even need the cdl,for the antique,not commercial anymore,and your not working it.check it out.im on short term disability rite now,,i cant do anything,or go anywhere,,bob

  2. but then again california rules,read its not classified commercial vehicle,unless company signs on both sides,and again most states have have similar rules.good luck babba,look it up...bob

  3. you know i dont know,of course every state runs a little differant,i believe here you need the physical,,,all aside it is a cute little puppy lol.

  4. ahrite,man...looks good.but the chrome ones r better looking lol

  5. got it,babba,,and yes ill bet he does,but vboy rite now them sox cant do any wrong..hehe...enjoy my man...bob

  6. know what you mean,man..i was paying (8)G,S a year in california,and that was 21 years ago.guess the point is,watch what what you ask them for lol...bob.and thats my story
  7. well appreciate the heads up.lol,that is hilarious..i had two look twice..have a splendid weekend,my freind...bob

  8. no comment,,dont see the connection,,lol..bob
  9. well,i know this doesnt apply to you,but were lucky here in nevada,we have commercial antique plates,thier only 12 bucks a year,no limitations,except.no income with it,,,but as far as the insurance we go under motorhome catagory,its only around 150 a year,you might want to check on that...but the luck stops there,lol no mack parts here.lol...i see all these cool old trucks,for sale back there,for like $1000.bucks,,but then $4000 to have them shipped here.bummer dude..good luck bob
  10. happy fridayis that a cheesehead that dog has?bob

  11. well as time go,s on,everything changes,,i have a model of your truck,,ive had it 10 years,i bought it off a freind of mine,and somebody started to put it together,and lost the directions,,i pull it out and pick at it ,every now,an then..but its tough without the directions.kinda lose interest real quick,n put it back on the shelf,,im hoping to come across some one that built one and saved the box.lol..bob...oh (happy friday)
  12. if i can figure this out to scan pictures,and post,ill send you some shots of what i got done..painted the cab,and nose east coast style,green and black..looks good.tanks and wheels,and bumper black,they were chrome,,didnt like the way they looked..your a good insperation,for trying to finish it...seeya bob
  13. your certainly doing some nice work there,,keep it up...bob
  14. wow,,geeeees,thats some weight,,thanks for the info..thats certainly a tough looking ride...bob
  15. wow,price like that,you could clean it up,and turn it in one dat,,double your money.lol.bob
  16. man,thats a tough looking sob..noticed the double bolts on the keepers.front axle,,whats the weight limit?..bob
  17. hey man...welcome aboard,sean..you,ll get alotta responce..good luck with your career...bob
  18. well hell that L7 doesnt look any differant than a midliner,,,i see what you mean,its a whole differant story..not bad looking at all...thanks for sharing,,,and i also heard the mechanics at work,saying that,,,you see we just started dipping into volvo,,im pissed..we had all kenworth t800,s,and we were all happy with,and the company decited to try the volvo,s.they bought 8.im still in a KW. nobody really likes them.there,they say all the wiring is the same color for one thing...bob
  19. yeeees,i like it,lets see some interior shots..very nice...bob
  20. oh,maybe so,but those new conventionals...oh my god terrible..i was stuck in one at my old job for 5 years i hated it,,if i knew they were going to start buying those,i never would have hired on...but i know alotta guys like em,especially your younger croud..if you can get around the hitious.body style,i still dont think thier very driver freindly..back window too high,log book teeters on the steering wheel,cant reach your lunch box,passenger seat,hard to clean windows,no hand rails,nothing to grab onto,climbing up to clean winshield.too much glass,sun beats you to death,hot days..bob
  21. ya,,know what you mean,,i grew up there,,now when i visit,everthing looks so tight back there..lol bob
  22. wow,,,very cool mark thanks...bob
  23. well i see nobody,s thrilled about this one.lol thanks for sharing..bob
  24. it sounds like your guage grounding,try running a wire.from back of guage,and touch it to something steel inside dash..also its hard to get the engines to build up any heat,,without a load...sometimes about 140 is all they will hit..good luck...bob
  25. ya,,man.driven quite a few of those freightliners out here,i actually liked them..out here lets face it,you just have to get used to other makes..like almost nobody buys macks here..bob
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