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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. not too hard to look at,,,that color could go...bob
  2. wwhat a buncha show offs,lol.bigen thats a beautiful set up..bob
  3. to whom it might concern,i work for fedex freight here in reno,and right now,i think thier about to order a bunch of trucks,,maybe you can send some pushy salesman over there and sell them some macks,now that we have a deealer here,might be a good time,bob
  4. ya,and just like he says,,at least thats the way it was on the older doors,,and the sides,and top there were push in plastic snaps,every 8 inches or so,,pry a little section out,and just yank the rest of it out,and the window,and regulater.have to come out to expose screws..get a six pack n have a ball...bob
  5. now thats the way to camp in style..looks good,man...bob
  6. trust me babba,,cant be any worst than mine,with a full keyboard.lol!!!!.bob
  7. you know guys i didnt even realize mack had bigger maxidynes,i thought 237 was it,i had a buddy with a 285,10 speed that used to go right by me,i used to wish i had at least that much pull,ya baby.least i wouldnt be the slowest chump on I.5.even a little headwind would feel like brakes dragging.hehe i also had no p.s,no radio,no ac,hot s.o.b in summer.and no air fan,,and that fan was loud,didnt even sound mack,it sounded cummins..dont know why...went from that to a 83 cruiseliner,,didnt really want the cabover,but it had 350 thermodyne,ac,ps,sterio, air fan.low mileage,quiet tight,my god it was like dying and moving on.....s--tin in tall cotton..hehe you know what im sayin,,,boy were dating ourselfs now...hehe these young kid dont have a clue.....ac,and tunes...you gotta be s--tin me?anyhow theres my story,probably shoulda kept my mouth shut on this one and probably owe gearhead grrrl an apolegy..all i could think when i heard maxidyne,,is you gotta be kidding me,nobody wants em.but now i understand allot more,and yes there probably perfect.from missouri to the east coast..but then again got to be a wise guy,and say i started on a two stick triplex,,,and if you dont like to shift,maybe you need a new hobby,,,lol...keep on truckin guys,,,and keep in touch...time for breakfast,woohoo...bob
  8. oh dont get the wrong idea,my freind,im a big fan of macks,always have been since 68,owned 5 of them...i just meant didnt like that one.my next ride was a 350 thermo and a 9 speed,,man what a differance.woohoo..bob p.s.cant sleep.lol
  9. ya,,,forgot to mention,the 350 thermo,with 9 speed was my very next truck,after the maxidine,,man what a differance,boy that was just a real pleasure to drive,also that was going to be my next comment.if you had a 427,or that.new 505 with that 6 speed,u might be in a little better shape,maybe take all the hills,with any weight in high gear...lol.bob
  10. love your oppinion about the pete owners,that was very well put,,lol dont want to say it too loud,we have allotta them here...i bring up a mack,and they start yawning,and looking at thier watch..lol bob
  11. man alive,,,thats some heavy duty machine,and yes i would also like to see it go,wow..bob
  12. oh,,,,by the way,10-4 on the cig,and coffee..lol,and appreciate the heads up...bob
  13. ya,,,thats what we have to do anyway...wife is too cheap to pay the entry fee,,pisses me off,cause the veiw is much better,inside,hehe bob
  14. ya,,,russ thats what we usually wind up doing anyway,,cause my wife is too cheap to pay entry..pisses me off cause the veiw is much better if you go in,,hehe bob
  15. ya,,thats another thing ,,just like he said it..long pulls you need to drop.anyway,then your done till you hit the top.have to hear that fan screeming at you.hehe.forgot about that part been 25 years since i owned one...probably want to forget that part...guess its ideal if you can hit high gear and leave it there,all night.doesnt work here with triple trailers,and a mountain every 30 miles.bob
  16. ya,,,gotta agree with that...other dog,,been workin since 1970,,,nowdays i just wanna stay home,and get paid....back to thermodyne,,,i think people are pushing the automatic more nowadays,,more and more company,s around here going to them...bob
  17. i owned one,,didnt really like it,you cant shift them up a ramp,cant wait to get to the top,so u can go up a gear..i think most people agree that drive them say the same thing...i suppose u,d be ok on flatland,here in nevada,california,,i prefer more selection of gears.tooo many hills.just my oppinion...bob
  18. ya,,,dont forget the photo shoot...bob
  19. yup,,,but i dont understand the stupid fence one...bob
  20. oh,,,no problem,,man...i just did the same thing.a couple days ago...this site is awfully slow sometimes,and if you keep pushing post thats what happens.lol..enjoy your weekend my friend.bob
  21. ya,,but dont forget,,the last time we started talking about drilling here,it dropped way down just like it did this time...maybe we should dig all our own,and tell the arabs to stick it..and drop it to 2 bucks a gallon,or so,,, i dont personally care about the price,dont use to much of it,,but i feel for all you guys,that are struggling to fill your big diesel tanks...these discusting prices,just cut into all your fun money,,,and nobody with any power seems to care...bob
  22. man,,,that sucker is tough,,,grew up with allota them,,but havent seen one in years

  23. very cool arial view..i really like those old cropdusters myself,,double wing jobs..bitchin baby..we also go to air races..bob
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