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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. thats never gonna happen,,the port loves all those fools pulling all thier chinese freight,,if they had to hire drivers,they would also have to pay them,decent money,and we,ll never see that...bob
  2. wow,,looking good,man,alot further than mine,i wrote that address down,thank you..i thought if nothing else,maybe some one on this sight ,might have put one together,and saved the box,and instructions,rite,,thanks again powel.talk atcha later.oh also i found a dm600 short nose,for sale,didnt know they made them,,,seeya
  3. wow!!doesnt seem like that long ago,you would see all three of those model trucks,everywhere,,bob
  4. thanks for sharing,,and yes thats an interesting gas pump...bob
  5. oh,,forgot to mention i know what you mean about the leg room,,im pretty short, but a lotta tall guys tell me that its hard for them to fit..but from 66-72 they were even smaller..in 73 they added about 3-4 inches to the back of the cab,,just a little tidbit i thought id bring up...bob
  6. ya,you would think with a handle like that ,,he would be legitamate,, sorry about that..hope somebody straitens it out.we dont need any trash here...bob
  7. i feel your pain,mark,,around here,i have no time of no money.hehe,,bob
  8. good luck bubba,,i bought a dm800 model off a guy,like 10 years ago,it didnt come with any instructions..what a bear trying to figure it out,,i pick at it every now and then,,after all this time still havent even finished the frame,,but i got all the cab and nose painted,looks good,so im kind of interested to see what it looks like all together..welcome aboard... bob
  9. beautiful job,,man..keep up the good work...very nice..bob
  10. man,,,that sucker is clean,,man,,thanks for sharing..bob
  11. wow,,,very nice,,,but see me when i got money..bob
  12. forgot to mention,my uncle had a whole fleet of brockways,back in the 50s-60s..send you pictures if u,d like..bob

  13. hehe appreciate the words of wisdom,my friend,dont know how they got from hard to get parts,to obama,s an idiot,,ahhh whining drivers,,gotta love em.happy trails my freind..bob

  14. holy cow,,,looks like it needs alittle attention,,but nice job on the wheels...bob
  15. dont know how true it is,,but i heard mack owned brockway since 1959,dont know how true that is..my uncle had a whole fleet of them back in maine..they were quite the rig,in thier time,,but ive been in the west coast for 30 years now,and ive only seen 2,both in L.A....bob
  16. also,case you didnt know,those motors,ran a higher rpm.than they do now,1600 is starting to lug it, you need to cruise around 1800-1900...keep on praticing...bob
  17. oh,i didnt tell you,im on short term disability,rite now with nothing to do all day,,so ill be making a nuisance of myself for a while,hehe...bob
  18. the trick is to shift them both at the same time,if your uphill,its not an easy task ,,it takes practice,,im not that good at it either,i generally use the clutch...bob
  19. ithink you forgot the picture!!!!!!sorry about the mispelled word,,when i told u beast of luck.hehe...bob
  20. i feel your pain...living in reno,,,with an offset cab mack,,,lol ..bob
  21. looks like everbody is venting,,so i will also..i drive a kenworth at work,,here in reno,,and they have to send parts from portland,,560 miles,,,no dealer here...bob
  22. welcone aboard kyle,i just recently joined myself,,i love your photo,s im a big fan of dm myself,i own one,and learned to drive on one..beast of luck,with your career............bob
  23. well,congradulations,,bud,,lets see some pictures..bob
  24. holy god,,,,,that is a homely s.o.b.but,thanks for sharing...bob
  25. i would look for a later model mack..3 axle,with at least a 350 h.p.
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