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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. sorry ernie,,,just opened this now,,,thats a beautiful rig,,wow..i like it,especially the long hood,,,duel headlights,and detroit,,,love that sound,,,if im not mistaken saw movie,years ago with chris christofosen,spell check,lol.was driving one just like it...dont remember the name of movie,,generaly i prefer spokes,and steel tanks,,,but i do like that one...anxious to see what tricks you do on it...very nice..bob
  2. you might want to look at mack gift catalog,,,thiers chrome bulldogs in there,with fire hats..woohoo bob
  3. i,always take out the injectors,and shoot a considerable amount of trans mission fluid with a squirt type oil can into the injector holes,and let that oil drop down into the rings,and cylinders,while your doing everthing else.time will rust the rings to the cylinder walls,condensation,,,and pull oil line off turbo,and squirt oil down to bearing,and turn it easy,in both directions,with fingers,have to remove inlet hose,till its nice and easy,and spins freely.also after oiling cylinders try to turn enging slow,by hand,grab the bottom pulley,and fan belts,should turn,,might have two put a wrench on the pully bolts just to free rust....good luck...bob
  4. i see what you mean,,,,thats a whole lotta road thuck,for that short little dump body,,,could have done it with a MB whatta ya think lol...bob
  5. alrite,man you have a ball..im sure they will be allot to see there,bob

  6. supprized you made it this far.lol bob
  7. yes,they do,,,the sound of any 6 popper mack,2valve has always been my favorate sound,,i owned a 4 valve mack,years ago it didnt sound good at all..what a rip off.bob
  8. i understand they hold up well,and make your rig lighter..if thats what you need,,,but chain up is a bitch,,,like putting 3 railers on the whole rig..i wouldnt like them
  9. wow,,,i could deal with that..but take out the bed or,,,my company would expect me to sleep in it.hehe,,,beautiful man.bob
  10. ahrite,appeciate the info...see if you can find any history on san jose..cant find anything on san jose,or hayward,,also had a u model,with budds,,,dont remember where they built that one either..sold it 21 years ago,,!!!!!!bob
  11. oh,,ok,,i also had one,had aluminum,doors,,budds all around,but i sold it 26 years ago,,thanks for the heads up on hayward,couldnt remember,,was told they had a plant in san jose at one time..bob
  12. it for sure western model,probably san jose plant,,but whats up with the spoke rears,,makes u wonder,,sorry mark,,cant help ya,,bob
  13. man,what beautiful ride,,city driven nooooooooooo wayyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!bob
  14. well put,,my man,,ya trump is discusted,,he says everyone is laughing at us,and that is quite embarrasing...but its fun to watch a man with his power,make that phony president shiver in his boots lol.ya,it about time we take our country back..(lets go USA woohoo)concerned citizen.4?..lol bob
  15. pardem me for being ignorant,,,was wondering what u were doing,and why...bob
  16. mowerman

    The Heat

    yyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,,,,,,,,,,,,,rrrrrrriiiiiitttteeeeeeeeeeee.lol...summertime,,,babba...love it..bob
  17. wasnt sure,if you had the right page,this is mowerman,with a DM600..bob

  18. hey,little bud,,was wondering how that big truck was coming along.keep me posted

  19. well good luck to ya,partner...wont be there this year,possibly next year,,would be nice..thanks for sharing...bob
  20. thats a classical model you have.i own a DM600 myself,mines a 66 i have 3 big mack manuals,,,so feel free to ask me specific questions about it,i would be happy to answer them...i think you have a 237...bob
  21. dont worry,,,,babba,,,he wont be back,,bob
  22. now,thats hilarious.lol
  23. hey man,,,welcome aboard,,,theres allota information,here.good luck...bob
  24. lol,,,ya expect you gotta millian of them,,,well glad to see its still a pretty good position,thats great
  25. ya,,,same with the cash for clunkers..turned in all american steel,,and bought jap cars,,,what a deal..bob
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