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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. welcome aboard,im not an authority on b models,so ill let some one else fill you in..but ya,,that plate,and engine id numbers will help you quite a bit...bob
  2. wow,cool rig,man,,,had one allot like it,,,sold it back in 85 kind of miss it,,bob
  3. boy,that looks like a nice catch for someone.. its probably low miles,and well taken care of..the guys probably not even considering selling it..looks like an oil digger rig.lol...bob
  4. very cool,but you look like earls brother,come on?lol just joken,,bud..excellant..thanks mark.....bob,,, now i got pictures try to figure how to post....hey b52,,,look what you started
  5. boy,its amazing,how many cool rigs we used to have out there when i started,theres hardly anything left worth looking at slope noses,everything plastic.nowdays..thanks for sharing all those pictures,,fellars.very nice collection
  6. no,,thiers no dogs on it,but its certainly a cool ride,and thier getting pretty scarce.i see one overy nite on nite rider.lol..welcome.bob
  7. ah,appreciate the responce...was wondering if any one noticed my bellyachin?.and i thought maybe it was just here!.i miss those days hookin up with a complete stranger,and wind up rappin on the radio,till someone had to leave the highway for thier ramp..and now im stuck in this racket,,till at least 12 more years..eeeeeeewwww!!!.have a splendid memorial day fellars..seeya bob
  8. alrite man..have a ball,and happy memorial day...bob
  9. that is hilarious,lol.appreciate the update...bob
  10. yeah,baby,,,theres a ride,,,wow,,,bob
  11. you know the nice thing is,most of all the cool old stuff sells for between $1200,and$5000..for 5 g,s you can buy one road ready..thier cheaper than antique cars.lol...bob
  12. you know mark i grew up pretty much the same way as you did,,third generation driver,and nowadays you cant even get anyone to key up on the cb,and say anything anymore,,out here,and everyone snubbs me in the truckstops...was wondering if it was the same way,back in the east coast...i mean not a friggen peep all nite on that radio..bob
  13. ya thats not cool at all,ive been out of macks for 21 years now,used to be an owner op,,company driver now,,,but thats not good business at all.we run cummins,in our kenworths,they seem to be unbreakable.only petty electric switch problems.what i didnt like mostly,about mack,at least here,was those dam fuel lines exploding,leaving you strandid in the middle of nowhere,nearest parts like 300 mile from where you are,and i usually had to tow it.ca ching ca ching.just for a dumb fuel line nobody had,rite?...bob
  14. thats very interesting,,glad you found what you need,unfortunate about the warrenty,i had pretty good luck with warrenty 20 years ago...seeya bob
  15. ya,man,,,you might find you dont even need the cdl,for the antique,not commercial anymore,and your not working it.check it out.im on short term disability rite now,,i cant do anything,or go anywhere,,bob

  16. but then again california rules,read its not classified commercial vehicle,unless company signs on both sides,and again most states have have similar rules.good luck babba,look it up...bob

  17. you know i dont know,of course every state runs a little differant,i believe here you need the physical,,,all aside it is a cute little puppy lol.

  18. ahrite,man...looks good.but the chrome ones r better looking lol

  19. got it,babba,,and yes ill bet he does,but vboy rite now them sox cant do any wrong..hehe...enjoy my man...bob

  20. know what you mean,man..i was paying (8)G,S a year in california,and that was 21 years ago.guess the point is,watch what what you ask them for lol...bob.and thats my story
  21. well appreciate the heads up.lol,that is hilarious..i had two look twice..have a splendid weekend,my freind...bob

  22. no comment,,dont see the connection,,lol..bob
  23. well,i know this doesnt apply to you,but were lucky here in nevada,we have commercial antique plates,thier only 12 bucks a year,no limitations,except.no income with it,,,but as far as the insurance we go under motorhome catagory,its only around 150 a year,you might want to check on that...but the luck stops there,lol no mack parts here.lol...i see all these cool old trucks,for sale back there,for like $1000.bucks,,but then $4000 to have them shipped here.bummer dude..good luck bob
  24. happy fridayis that a cheesehead that dog has?bob

  25. well as time go,s on,everything changes,,i have a model of your truck,,ive had it 10 years,i bought it off a freind of mine,and somebody started to put it together,and lost the directions,,i pull it out and pick at it ,every now,an then..but its tough without the directions.kinda lose interest real quick,n put it back on the shelf,,im hoping to come across some one that built one and saved the box.lol..bob...oh (happy friday)
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