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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. ya,,like rob says,there,,its not really very commen,or nessesary,my personal feeling is to keep on truckin,if you have got a rebuilt engine,,truck is not that old,change things as they go out,,listen for howling,or whining in the driveline as you go along,change oil in transmission,and rearends,suggested by mack.watch for shavings.other than that,your throwing your money away,,like last time i checked,mack bogies,were $3500 a piece,exchange,rebuild box $900...good luck....bob
  2. also,41 chevy,,my neighbor just sold a tractor,like you have in the picture,,dont know much about it,but it was a cat,and and it had a crank starter,surprizeingly,,i watched him start it one time in 2 pulls,,very impressive...bob
  3. sorry about the delayed reaction,,big dog,,i just noticed it now..but i think that one fellow,said it all,if your not looking for a hat,or chrome goodies now days,,they dont seem to notice you,,,also who wrote the law,you have to take care of call ins,ahead of walk ins,,they think nothing of leaving you stand there staring at them,while they jibber jabber on the phone,,then they huff and puff,when all you need is a couple of valve cover gaskits,hehe...bob
  4. beautiful job,man..looks excellant..bob
  5. oh ok,i get it,you know i would have never noticed that..you definately know your stuff...bob
  6. ya,,lets do like 20-25,000 ...hehe to be on the safe side,whatta ya think? bob
  7. man ,thats cool old story,and it certainly sound like the good old days,,i never heard of those sleepers,,but that looks like a mean ole rig...wow..what a catch...bob
  8. but on a happier note,,you can actually go thru all the gears,with a descent load,,have a ball my friend...bob
  9. i can remember pulling the grapvine,at 10 miles an hour.with a 250,,,urrrrrrrgggg..hehe,dont miss that part of it,,bob
  10. i think your rite,mark with the bcr conversion,thats brobably just what it is...its definately an old shot,im guessing 1970,but dont know if they had those bullet markers yet...bob
  11. ya,it would be fun till you hit a little hill with that small motor,,and see how bad it falls down..bob
  12. ya,it definately looks f model,,i used to own one..looks like alotta work,would have been easier to buy a coffin.box,sleep away babba,and no petes..hehe...bob
  13. pretty tiny fuel tank,no air tanks,no battery box,not much under there at all,that kinda looks wierd..bob
  14. its looks great,,nice job,i dont know what your complaint is,except for the cummins.lol..thier a good motor.i drive one at work,but ofcourse i prefer the mack engine,they sound better,pull better,and get better mileage.all kidding aside,dont know why the model company chose to use the cummins..bob
  15. thats never gonna happen,,the port loves all those fools pulling all thier chinese freight,,if they had to hire drivers,they would also have to pay them,decent money,and we,ll never see that...bob
  16. wow,,looking good,man,alot further than mine,i wrote that address down,thank you..i thought if nothing else,maybe some one on this sight ,might have put one together,and saved the box,and instructions,rite,,thanks again powel.talk atcha later.oh also i found a dm600 short nose,for sale,didnt know they made them,,,seeya
  17. wow!!doesnt seem like that long ago,you would see all three of those model trucks,everywhere,,bob
  18. thanks for sharing,,and yes thats an interesting gas pump...bob
  19. oh,,forgot to mention i know what you mean about the leg room,,im pretty short, but a lotta tall guys tell me that its hard for them to fit..but from 66-72 they were even smaller..in 73 they added about 3-4 inches to the back of the cab,,just a little tidbit i thought id bring up...bob
  20. ya,you would think with a handle like that ,,he would be legitamate,, sorry about that..hope somebody straitens it out.we dont need any trash here...bob
  21. i feel your pain,mark,,around here,i have no time of no money.hehe,,bob
  22. good luck bubba,,i bought a dm800 model off a guy,like 10 years ago,it didnt come with any instructions..what a bear trying to figure it out,,i pick at it every now and then,,after all this time still havent even finished the frame,,but i got all the cab and nose painted,looks good,so im kind of interested to see what it looks like all together..welcome aboard... bob
  23. beautiful job,,man..keep up the good work...very nice..bob
  24. man,,,that sucker is clean,,man,,thanks for sharing..bob
  25. wow,,,very nice,,,but see me when i got money..bob
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