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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. I almost forgot I got wrapping with one of those drivers when I was around 15. The guy was really nice. He . Let me get up inside and look around. It was just like that one set up the same way, but it was black and it had this gorgeous red tuck in roll interior package This was around 1971 and I can’t quite remember, but it seems to me the interior was painted black, and not green Oh, good old days …… bob
  2. Thanks for that. I remember back in the day when I was a young teenager. I used to see quite a few of those long nose Mack sleepers..excellent… bob
  3. Yeah, I forgot about that. It’s also pretty much right in the way.
  4. Hell I forgot all about that guy … bob
  5. That’s kind of sick. It’s like seeing your pet get hurt. Best of luck, bud looks amazing. That type of unit gets a lot of work in my area people making improvements and a lot of the newer developments … big demand thanks for all your updates and yes, happy Saturday… before I croak, hopefully I can post finish photos of mine ha ha bob
  6. I’ve probably mentioned I’ve only seen 2 out here last 45 years both in LA one working and one at a truck show Ontario speedway bob
  7. Wellington, Nevada that’s where I’d like to live. That’s where it is nothing but cattle and horses…. Bob
  8. Yes, same here, bud. Thank you so much for taking your time to update us on all of that. It’s the same thing here I have to drive quite ways to see an old. Mack They’re hard to find my area. The closest Beam model that I know of is around 75 miles from here. I’m sure there is here right in Reno. That’s the closest one I know of thanks again for everything. Looks like you’re having quite a time over there.
  9. my God that one deserves 50 likes ha ha
  10. you know I used to like that guy until I found out what an arrogant piece of shit he is.. bob
  11. I believe mine has something welded. On the bottom hinge. I’m sure it’s a different part number not a modification. And yes, Joey it’s hard to get in that side. I could see if you’re working on the motor would be a lot easier to take the door off. Bob
  12. It looks like a jeep Wagoneer nice looking ride sorry about your problem the red horse we’re all getting there. Best of luck.Bob
  13. Well there wasn’t much added to this column as I mentioned I saw some of them somewhere around Fowler California they were inside what look like a horse corral. I wasn’t paying a whole lot of attention to them. I was trying to find a wrecking yard that was around there someplace. and that was a long long time ago. There was two or three of them was only about 27 years old and yes, that was way before GPS and cell phones. Good luck. And yes, Paul everybody has disappeared. Bob
  14. I see it what you mean it looks like it’s connected to the door it’s actually bolted to the breather on mine later years, it was connected to the roof. I actually have that picture of the turquoise one in my computer screen saver thanks for that
  15. My passenger door doesn’t open all the way otherwise it (would) hit the breather…
  16. I’m sure he would ever be happy with the 205 and a quad box
  17. Oh my God duck that was brilliant ha ha… bob
  18. They certainly made a big splash as I mentioned 68 to 78. That’s all you would see hauling freight from New Jersey to Boston.
  19. Hey Mack , salesman told me here ago. He wasn’t sure what the deal was but he heard it was visibility. I don’t know either, but that made sense to me.
  20. I got nothing else everybody else did it ha ha thanks for that…. Bob
  21. you know i would give it another shot,,,,because im sure its still there but driving 600 miles round trip doesn't excite me,,,,thanks for your input paul i just wish i would have grabbed it now when i was down there ,,and yes off set cab bonnets out here are extinct ,bob
  22. Same here 330 wake up every Monday or Tuesday after a holiday… bob
  23. I like the idea about the rolling chassis. I just noticed that Meco that’s in genius and it would be a lot easier to transfer the sheet metal. He could probably pick all that up or just two or 3000. Of course it would take a little bit of browsing around and patience. Good luck, bud.
  24. That’s ridiculous. I was just sitting here thinking rather than sledgehammer. Why don’t you weld pull tabs on the dents yank them out with another vehicle and a chain or setup a port a power that’s what I would try. Good luck.
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