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Everything posted by M54A1

  1. I went and looked at this truck, which was 300 miles from me. It had a LOT of bondo, and had questionable frame splice, and the trans was swapped to a 10 spd roadranger. I didn't hear it run as I was so dissappointed when I saw it, I drove back home. The owner was nice though and didn't hide anything, he just didn't know anything about it.
  2. Yeah I have already ordered the rubber bushing style mounts, but I need the metal mount that the cab sits on and bolts to the frame of the truck. Thanks though.
  3. I need 2 B75 Front cab mounts, Mine are aluminum and are trashed. Any leads or help would be appreciated. I am in Arkansas and there are next to none of these trucks in the area. Thanks Jase 501-840-6613
  4. I thought all B models had the starter on the passenger side.
  5. And another picture.
  6. Heres a B71 I found a while back, with a 220 cummins, 10spd roadranger,44K camelback, and double framed
  7. They haven't been able to get any, since Bendix quit making them, This is turning into more trouble than I had figured.
  8. Where can I find a direct swap treadle valve for a B model. I don't really want to retro fit lines/fittings. Most of the newer treadle valves I have seen have 4 fitting holes, 2 on each side, were as the one from the B model has 3 fittings in back and 1 in the front. Thanks
  9. Renting a trailer may be an option, if you only plan to move 1 truck.
  10. Can the hydraulic governor be removed from the injector pump while still on the engine? thanks
  11. Thanks for the advice, I also believe it is a issue with fuel supply to the injector pump, I took the supply pump apart and it looked fine, but to be safe I installed a supply pump from a another running truck, and no change. the overflow valve is functioning fine, I even blocked the line to make sure the valve wasn't bleeding off to soon. Could it be attributed to the hydraulic governor, I have absolutely no experience with them.
  12. I did check the filter and it looked almost new, but to be sure the filter housing seal was alright I bypassed the filter and ran clean diesel straight from the fuel pump to the injector pump, and it still acted the same. Thanks
  13. Well, I got it freed up and running a couple days ago. It ran good for about 30 minutes, then it pulled down and died. After a little while it would crank back up and run a minute or two and would pull down slowly again and die. Applying more throttle didn't do much, there was a lag after giving more throttle til when the engine responded. I thought it was sucking air, so I replaced the fuel lines, nothing, so I run the suction line into a bucket of clean diesel, it ran just the same from the tank. I checked the fuel pump and the overflow valve which fine. What else could cause this, could the pump be bad from sitting so long? Thanks
  14. I just brought home a 55 model B61 oil field winch truck with a duplex and a 3spd. brown lipe, powered by a 673 with a woodward hydraulic governor. The injector pump has 1 stuck plunger which won't allow the rack to move, so the pump can pump fuel. I have taken out the delivery valve and soaked the plunger for several days. I used a cut down brazing rod as a punch and have moved the plunger some but it still won't let go, and I don't want to hurt the pump. any advice from those who have done this? Thanks
  15. Bobby Is your starter on the driver's side or the passengers side? Thanks for the help
  16. Well I got the frame cleaned up the best I could since it was pitted so bad under the double frame. I was going to try to run a double frame rail up to the rear spring hanger of the front axle to cover some of the pitting. will the double frame from an older R model work or are the frames drastically different? Behind the cab the B model frame is 32" wide and starts to widen up at the cross member behind the cab at a 2.5 degree angle up to 36" wide to the front of the frame. Thanks.
  17. I've be working on my B model for a few months now, working on the barre frame. The truck was originally a Mobile Oil tank truck with a tag axle, it was then sold to a wrecker company where 15" of the frame was cut and the truck was converted to a single axle wrecker, the wrecker body was then removed and the truck was used to pull trailers for the towing company. With all the different uses of the truck I now have many extra mounting holes in the frame rails. I would like to weld up the holes using a high tensile rod but am concerned with the heat actually weakening the frame. I have heard some say never to weld on a frame, while some have welded on frames for years. If the trucks used a mild steel frame I should be alright to weld on it ,but if the frame was heat treated the frame could be weakened by welding right? Any advice. Thanks
  18. Yeah its a 675, the 673 has a larger turbo, while the 676 has an intercooler
  19. My engine has only 2 filters ,but the pan holds quite a bit more oil than the 673 pan, I called the Mack shop and they said there was a deeper pan used on some engines, but the pickup tubes where all the same. I would like to use the pickup from the 673 with the strainer bowl, but the pumps are different where pickups bolt on. I have also found that at some point the pump drive shaft/gear where changed from a spline driven pump gear to a machined on pump gear, Maybe the pickup bolt locations were changed at the same time.
  20. I'm in the process of switching a 237 in to my B model. I have ran in to a few issues. I was planning on using the oil pan from the 673 and putting it on the maxidyne in order to keep the starter on the passengers side, but the 673 has a different oil pump/pickup than the maxidyne. Do the oil pumps need to be switched or can I use the maxidyne oil pump/pickup (which is about 2" deeper than the 673 pickup) with the 673 pan?. Any other issues I need to know about? Thanks
  21. Thanks for the insight, I didn't know of any B-models with anything but a Mack Trans.
  22. I am looking at buying a B-71 with a 200Hp Cummins and a 10 speed roadranger. Everything seems original in that the truck hasn't run in about 20yrs, and the trans is covered with as much grease and dirt as the rest of the truck, and the owner said the trans was original. I have checked at the old macks site, and while this transmission wasn't listed, there is a disclaimer at the top of the page stating that not all transmissions and models may have been listed. There were only 522 B-71s made from 1953-58. could this be a custom ordered truck or was the roadranger just swapped in.
  23. Mike if I could find a rebuild kit somewhere it would be great. I have talked to Barry at Watts Mack and he said Mack was out of NOS bearing and rings for the 673T. I just bought a Maxidyne, but would still like to freshen up the Thermodyne as a spare.
  24. So are the thermodyne and maxidyne main and rod bearings different? I thought only the wrist pin size was different. I still haven't found an original style rebuild kit either, although I did find a good running maxidyne still in a truck for $2000. Ya'll may have saved me a lot of time and energy. Again, thanks for the help.
  25. I pulled the pan today and checked the main and rod bearing, they are worn down to the copper, so I guess I'll pull it on down and start fresh. I've seen the kits on ebay, but they are for a maxidyne converted engine, which means I'll have to use maxidyne rods and have the head cut for o-rings. So I'll try Barry and see if I can get a normal thermodyne rebuild kit. Thanks for the suggestions
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