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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by tkobes43

  1. Oh no, Wait until vinny sees this... Ill just ask for him, do you have the serial number?
  2. Well one, We are going to look at macks and maybe you will find something you like so we can yank it home. Tom
  3. Oh yea i agree! if not i got watts mack about 6 hours away with a C model. Wanna take a look at it... JT you up for a road trip????? Tom
  4. idk Beats me, How much do you think the C model at Watts Mack is worth. They gave a scrap price of 2500, the truck is rough, rust everywhere... Heres a pic
  5. Well according to the guy the truck is "Sold" for $3,500.00 to a guy in New Hampshire. I told him if he doesnt sell it give me a call i got cash ready. So we will see where it goes from there. Tom
  6. Im interested, Giving the guy a call now. Ill keep you updated. Tom
  7. Hey mad dog, if the guy takes my offer wanna go an grab her for me, if you take the b model i should see you around this time in 2013 right?? LOL Yes i agree, i love the way these trucks look...
  8. Yea, Just by you saying that makes me not wanna go even more... lol Tom
  9. I agree, idk about the headlights tho. But this could be one mean looking truck if i get my hands on it. If it still has the original V8 then we are in business!! Tom
  10. Its going to cost at least 1500-1800 to get it back to NJ... Tom
  11. Mack C600, but of course its all the way in Colorado... Sent him a offer anyway, maybe he will take it. http://denver.craigslist.org/cto/3489823283.html Tom
  12. Was going through the gallery and found one of his images of a RL700... heres a pic.. Anyone know if its for sale?
  13. Theres a gravel company where i took 8 loads of gravel out of this week. I had to get weighed before i went in and when i came out. Would they let me use that scale to see how much i weigh with the international and the trailer? Would they charge me? Tom
  14. same on my computer too, I couldn't access BMT for an hour or so around 3pm - 4pm. Tom
  15. Welcome! Enjoy your stay. Tom
  16. Yep, just dropped my truck off at the diesel shop on Wednesday, got the call last night i need a new rad hose, Some oil line is loose, front brakes & Drums, rear brake kit, something with the 5th wheel too, I'm at work and don't have the list in front of me... I just dropped it off for the rad hose and the oil leak and now i have 3 or 4 more items to deal with.. Oh well, thats the Christmas gift done for the truck then.. Tom
  17. how much snow have you gotten now. Tom
  18. if everything does work out i got one healluva deal on the trailer then... Only got 2500 into it. Once i get a title it will be a done deal. Just hope it goes smooth. tom
  19. Also the other thing, The trailer has a Current DOT inspection, It was last inspected April of 2012... I don't know if that helps any, but it was a registered and working trailer back in April.. Tom
  20. I do not have a business phone for him, I did not pick it up at the scrap yards location. It didn't look like a scrap yard there. Just a few trailers a building and a few dumpsters. I already have the letter made up. I contacted Michigan DMV before i went to get the trailer and they wouldnt even run the Vin for me. Michigan DMV really was no help at all. Tom
  21. I called Motor Vehicle. they ran the VIN didn't come up stolen... I asked many times and she said it is against our policy to give out another parties information. Since the trailer didn't come up stolen i can get a title on my own right now. Im don't playing the guys games. I already have my letter all made up and it will be going in the mail tomorrow. He had ample opportunities to contact me and let me know the status or just be upfront with me saying he couldn't get a title. Tom
  22. Id be interested if you where closer. Thats a long haul for me. Tom
  23. Cant wait to see it run! Nice looking truck. Tom
  24. Way ahead of you JT, when i had the VIN ran i asked the lady is she can give me the pervious owners information, She said she can not as she can NOT give out any personal information of another party... I ran the vin before i even left for Calumet. So that leaves me at a dead end there. Atleast we know it ISNT stolen. Tom
  25. good to hear! Good luck with the trucks!! Tom
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