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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by tkobes43

  1. the trailer isn't stolen, i had the vin ran already Tom
  2. yea I'm with you on that one, I remember seeing that truck (or one like it) on oldmacks.com Tom
  3. wow gorgeous truck! Thats some motivation for my B61! Ive seen that super liner somewhere, but i can't pin point exactly where... Welcome to the site! Enjoy your stay. Tom
  4. wow thats amazing. Tom
  5. He told me the title was lost and one of his buddies was going to get a title for me... That was now 2 1/2 weeks ago... I can get a title my self right now, but I'm just curious if he will come after me if he "ever" does get that title in and wants the rest of his money.... Tom
  6. Nope no smoke, I bought the trailer from a scrap yard, Im assuming someone brought it in for scrap since it didn't have a title... The guy who i bought it from paid 1100 for it and i gave him 2500 down and the rest 1500 when the title comes in. Tom
  7. what if he comes and tells me in another 2 weeks, that he has the title when i already got a new one on my own... What do i do Tom
  8. As most of you know i got back from michigan about 2 1/2 weeks ago with my new trailer. I paid 2500 up front and i said i would pay the remaining 1500 when the title comes in. The fella said when i i got the trailer he should have the title in a week, ill call you when it comes in. That was 2 weeks ago.. So now what do i do. I can get a title right now for 1000 bucks, (JT is looking into a guy up in VT who can do it for 350). Ive been trying to call the guy for the past 2 weeks no answer, he doesnt return my texts. So do i say screw it get the title on my own and keep my remaining 1500 or keep on waiting for him to reply. We have a letter in writing and signed saying "2500 was paid and 1500 is due when title comes in" it is dated and signed by both parties... Also i don't want to wait for the title for months. I need the title to start working and get it in my name asap. Let me know your opinions. Tom
  9. you talking about a CAT scale? Tom
  10. try ebay or craigslist... Just my suggestion. Tom
  11. you could be a busy little beaver with that rig vinny. Tom
  12. or in the front door... or the dang garage for that matter. Tom
  13. Or this Paul! http://www.truckpaper.com/listingsdetail/detail.aspx?OHID=3936613 Tom
  14. Sweet combo! I wonder what my combo weighs in at. Tom
  15. Sweet truck mike! Keep up updated on your progress going back to work! Wish ya luck. Tom
  16. LOL!! But in all honesty that R model looks solid! I love the color too! Also nice rig paul!! Tom
  17. I could swear that one Engine that came in a B model had a turbo??? Maybe I'm mistaken. Tom
  18. lol, i think that truck looks pretty sweet. Don't see that much rust, but probably will just be a collection item and maybe work it when I'm not going to far from home. Tom
  19. you may buy this for me for Christmas http://www.truckpaper.com/listingsdetail/detail.aspx?OHID=3762787
  20. wait really?!?! Holy shit. I thought they did. Never mind ill just be over here in the corner. Tom
  21. This is on my christmas list if anyone is feeling generous. http://www.truckpaper.com/listingsdetail/detail.aspx?OHID=3762787 Tom
  22. Sweet vid!! Tom
  23. lol i love when you do that! YAHHA Tom
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