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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by tkobes43

  1. 671 is the same thing as a 6v71. Tom
  2. Damn looks great! Nice work. Tom
  3. Im not sure. Tom
  4. Doing well, Got my new trailer a few days ago. about 2600 miles round trip in 3 days. Still got proper insurance to get along with DOT number and few other parts for the trailer and we should be good to go. Tom
  5. Paul, I don't have 20k lying around. But i am accepting ALL donations!!! Minimum donations of 1,000. HAHAH Tom
  6. Yep saw that one too. I don't like the 4070a series as much as i like the 4070b series. Tom
  7. Damn it, That one was a Eagle Transtar II, Still on the hunt for one with a Detroit. Tom
  8. Except a Detroit 8v92 Tom
  9. your right!! I forgot a about the V shape. Its not a series 60 probably a NTC series. 350 or 400. Tom
  10. ut o lemme fix it
  11. Thats one thing i hate is trucking on a foggy and rainy day... Those suck. Nice Pics! Tom
  12. What motor is that?? Looks like a cummins not sure tho. I hope its a detroit. Tom Does that link work?
  13. lol i saw that on Facebook. Tom
  14. Wow!! Sweet B Model. Tom
  15. Where they Eagle Editions? If so Thats my ultimate dream truck! Very rare to find. If you ever find one please let me know! Tom
  16. Favorite truck makes- Mack, International, Kenworth Favorite Models- Mack- Any International 4300, 4400, 4070a 4070b cabovers, 8600. Kenworth- w900l
  17. Wow, never saw one of them before in my life. They are definitely interesting trucks. Tom
  18. Sweet truck, I like the flame detail on the bumper! Tom
  19. Got any prices? Tom
  20. god i love that transtar!! id only get one in a 1980 Transtar II (4070b) Eagle with a 8v92 Detroit. I don't know if they made them that was from the factory. But if they didn't then one with a cummins. And factory stretched frame! Tom
  21. Id assume they're the same. Its the same cab as a B61 but I'm not 100% sure. Im sure someone else will chime in with the correct answer shortly. Tom
  22. Yea!! Thanks buddy! I really like that B67 and that b61 sleeper! Thanks! Tom
  23. oh come on, do a b model search now!!!
  24. Yes definitely a Municipal truck. Don't know from where tho. Tom
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