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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by tkobes43

  1. Sorry to hear about the EGR and the fuel situation...! But glad your getting it fixed!! Good luck to you. tom
  2. Get it Superdog!!! Pretty sweet rig. Tom
  3. Welcome!! Tom
  4. Use cow mat. Tom
  5. yea it was beat up! Saw that too. Think it didn't even break 3k. Tom
  6. On my screen it says your online.
  7. Oh, yea i am taking a risk. But i don't have the $$$ for someone to go out and get it for me Running through the night for a less chance of getting stopped. Tom
  8. Im so confused. Are you talking about the trailer in MI or the trailer i recently moved with the International for the Customer is Georgia. Tom
  9. Im not moving the trailer for the customer with the International. My buddy is with his f450. Tom
  10. Sounds like quite the trip! Tom
  11. Sorry you cant get the truck running right! The calendar sounds like a very nice idea. Im sure some fellows will buy one. UModelNut said he wanted one before hahah lol Tom
  12. lol thats pretty funny. Tom
  13. Welcome new guy from MS... Enjoy your stay. Tom
  14. Also another thing... That fellow that i moved the trailer for a few days ago called me back and wants me to move it again to its new location "got rented out again"... So i guess he was happy at how responsive and professional i was. Makes me feel good! I cant do it myself tho. Going to have my buddy do it with his pick up truck. I just put my 5th wheel back on the truck yesterday "go figure" and im getting my truck ready for the treck out to Michigan. 18 hours there, 18 hours back. Tom
  15. Thanks Randy, Paul, Vlad and mackniac for the feedback guys!!!!!!!! Really appreciate it. Learned alot so far from your previous post. Mackniac- Yes definitely make one!!! Mine was FREE!! Go to www.webs.com and start building, Simple to use. Only took me about 4-5 hours of non stop building to complete mine. I think it turned out well... Tom
  16. You never know, Im heading down that way this coming summer. Hope this guy comes back online... Really been looking for a C model. Tom
  17. Im about 5 hours away.. be a nice day trip and if JT buys one too we can come out together. Tom
  18. So sorry to here about your fathers passing... Welcome to the forum. If your willing to part with the C Model Tractor id be very interested! Im in northern nj so I'm probably not to far from you. Please let me know, Tom
  19. I 100% agree with everything you just said. I had a fella call me from georgia on wednesday. He said he needed his trailer moved filled with commercial washers and dryers from US Army "I think" (have paperwork down stairs) facility in morristown NJ and moved 35 miles to a storage facility. I said sure no problem. I can do it sometime next week is that okay. My week was very hectic and really didn't have much time to change 5th wheels on the international. He said it needs to be there by Friday night. I knew it was going to be nearly impossible for me to switch 5th wheels, take have my day driving... Visit my grandma in the hospital. I told him i will do my best but i can't guarantee anything. He said Thats no problem. Just do your best. I sent him paperwork to sign saying he authorizes me to pick up his trailer and move it. So Thursday morning comes around and i move his trailer from morristown 35 miles to the storage facility. When I'm done i call him and I'm Like Will your trailer has been moved and everything has been taking care of. He couldn't believe it. It was like he won a million dollars. I only charged him 200 bucks to move it. Well long story short he was very appreciative that i made it work and got it there before its deadline. Okay I'm done rambling...... Tom
  20. Wow! Thank looks like a lot of fun!!!! Stack looks great too. Tom
  21. Post Pics!!!!! Tom
  22. Cruiseliner looks like a sweet rig! Wouldn't mind taking that thing home. Tom
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