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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by tkobes43

  1. Joe give me a call please! 862-266-0632 Tom
  2. Working alot! but not the work i enjoy doing.... 6am-7pm everyday mon-sat. Tom
  3. Thats been on there for awhile... Atleast 8 or 9 months now. Tom
  4. MIKE!!!!!!!!! lol, I want to keep it on the DL, But send me a text and ill fill ya in! Good to see ya too! Been working like a beaver. Tom 862-266-0632
  5. not to high jack your thread, but heres the video of me hauling the one i rented. Tom
  6. Thats a slick little combo! Those john deeres are VERY heavy... Think they are about 18,000 pounds. Tom
  7. Im looking to purchase a truck out there, As i am in New Jersey i simply can not just drive down and look at it... I dont mind giving you some money for fuel and time... The truck is located at Kansas City Peterbilt. Please either send me a PM or reply to this topic... Thanks!
  8. Im leaving this Saturday 5/25/2013 to pick up a forklift in Pittsburg, PA to bring back to New Jersey, thought id ask to see if anyone needs anything moved from NJ To Pittsburg, Or from Pittsburg back to NJ... If so send me a email to kobertrucking@hotmail.com Dont send a PM, im not on the site as much anymore. Thanks Tom
  9. Your awesome!! Thanks!!!!!! Tom
  10. Going down to the police station tomorrow. Do i just go down and ask to get my permit?? Tom
  11. LMAO!!!! Tom
  12. youll be first on the list for a PBA card!!! HAHA! Tom
  13. Thanks Mark! Heading down there tomorrow. Very true, my mother sparked the idea of buying a gun "Kind of odd" but its true, better get one now before the law changes, and im going to school to be a police officer(Hope non of you look at me differently now! haha), so better to start early then late! Tom
  14. Honestly? If your going to post those comments dont even bother... Dont need your bull shit.
  15. How old do you have to be to purchase a rifle in New Jersey? I know a hand gun is 21, and long gun is 18. Cant find any information on a rifle... Or is a rifle a long gun? Tom
  16. Lmao!! Tom
  17. Nice truck paul!! Looks good. Tom
  18. Sweet truck!! Tom
  19. Happy Birthday! TOm
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