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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by tkobes43

  1. Ive had my current Girl Friend for over 3 years now. She loves my trucks haha. Tom
  2. Thats the thing tho. I dont "Show off" my truck. I sold my pickup truck to get the international and get my business going. The only vehicles i have to get to school, work, go out on dates, movies, is either the international or my 96 f350 mason dump... I dont have another car and or truck to go out with. Tom
  3. Thanks Paul for the kind words! Ill keep you in mind if i have any questions! Thanks again buddy! Tom
  4. Yes I'm in college. Go monday - thursday. In the process of getting my business situated. But yes i am going to be in the trucking business. Give me a few more months and i should be ready to go. Tom
  5. Also guys, Pardon my french with my language in the comments section of the video. Some local kid is pissing me off and i went off on him. I dont know his name but ive seen his truck around quite often. Will definitely be keeping an eye out for it more. Sorry Again! Tom
  6. Ill post the craigslist add. I might be wrong on the extensions...
  7. Thanks Vinnster! I have a suction cup mount i put on my rear sleeper window and faced the camera forward. In that video i had 3 separate videos and joined them together. I have a macbook so i use i movie but you can do it in windows movie maker too. Tom
  8. Asked the guy if he wanted to trade, he said no as he is getting out of the business. Im selling my ramps. As the tarasport has 2 sets of loading ramps. Don't worry JT! Tom
  9. Selling the trailer for a 1999 Tarasport Stepdeck. Its a 53ft with 3 foot extensions in the front and rear. Spread axle, air ride, air brakes. New air bags, shoes, slack adjusters, cans, aluminum loading ramps... for 10,500 Tom
  10. Eaton Fuller 10 Speed! Thanks bud i appreciate it! The gear popped out somewhere towards the end of the video going down the hill, i nearly shit myself. You really dont realize how fast the truck will pick up speed in "neutral" with 35,000 pounds pushing you down the hill. Really scary moment for sure. But i found a higher gear and pulled over to start again... Tom
  11. Here it is guys! Enjoy Tom
  12. Video is uploading to youtube!!!! Its going to take 7 hours it says as it is a 23 minute video! But its awesome!!!! Tom
  13. Window? Or just take the doors off like a jeep. lol Tom
  14. Got a video for you guys!!! Just putting it all together in Imovie, and uploading it to youtube!!! Should be up in a few hours. But if not tonight then tomorrow am. Tom
  15. Ive been eyeing out a few landolls, but dont you need a wet kit to operate it? Tom
  16. Got the message this morning! Thanks!!! Tom
  17. Thanks JT! Yea this trailer is great for more of a pick-up truck application. In the trucking world id beat the piss out of it if i kept it. More things would go wrong then having a heavier duty step deck w/ air brakes. I will keep you updated on the new trailer!!! Thanks a lot that would be great!!! Tom
  18. Man got class tomorrow at 8am. Shit.. Just want to sleep.........

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. randyp


      well, the onliest alternative to getting up is not getting up,,,so,,,wah wah,,,momma!!!!

    3. umodelnut


      Sheesh Randy, 5 replies all the same stuff. LOL Im just busting on ya.

    4. other dog

      other dog

      6:45? on the bus by 7? you get up,go doo-doo,take a shower,eat breakfast, brush your teeth,read the paper, and get on the bus in 15 minutes?..wow,you're fast Vinny!

  19. https://www.facebook...ing?ref=tn_tnmn We rented this piece of equipment from Hertz Equipment rental in Fairfield! I must say, Ive driven CAT backhoes before, but this John Deere WAY better then the CAT. I see a HUGE power advantage, much more comfortable to operate, really like the controls, Looks better then the CAT, and i think burns less fuel. In 1 week and 35 hours of use we used 1 and a half tanks. I don't think thats bad at all. Tom
  20. lol funny you say that. I actually bent them loading it on the trailer. I also noticed some floor boards i thought was solid was actually rotted! Tom
  21. I dont know if any of you have facebook. But if you do please like my page! https://www.facebook.com/KoberTrucking?ref=tn_tnmn Tom
  22. Yea alot better! Had a blast too! Hopefully the trailer sells and i can get my step deck ive had an eye on for awhile! Tom
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