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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by tkobes43

  1. Actually Randy, Looking at your pictures thats EXACTLY what i need! Can you provide more specs on the trailer. Thanks a lot for the help!!! Tom
  2. Anyone have a drop deck they are willing to sell? Im looking for one and i can't find anything that I'm really looking for. Looking to spend no more then around 11,000. But show me what you got. Tom
  3. Sweet vid buddy! Truck looks great, Tom
  4. Well after a few hundred miles and 16 LONG hours, the black international is home. Left kentucky at 930 pm got home to my house the next day around noon. We hit every kind of weather on the way home. And with a truck that needs new tread bad it definitely kept me on the edge of my seat. But she made the run no problems at all even with a driver that never drove a 10 speed before but after a few days of learning i got it down great. I will upload pics to follow. Tom
  5. Sweet vin! Cant wait to see the videos! Tom
  6. Still got the mack?
  7. I will keep you updated olive! Tom
  8. Alright guys, I might need a truck shipped from Kentucky to Sussex NJ this coming friday!!! I am having trouble getting insurance for the drive back. If you can give me a quote to ship the truck to my location in NJ that would be great. Its a 2007 International 4400 single axle tractor with a ext cab. If you can give me a quote asap that would be great. **Also i know this is in the wrong section, but since this is such a short notice i thought it would get more views in this topic** Sorry for any inconvenience. Thank you, Tom Few pics
  9. Id give you a great deal, but I'm only 18 and i can't leave the state till I'm 21 legally. lol Tom
  10. Oh my dear lord....
  11. last time me and my dad worked on the car together... Took the whole front of the car off. On its way up to VT for storage _________________ Found a lot more Taking the engine out My "dad" in the black shirt Motors out- As it was complete- Tom
  12. My first car would've been a 1978 trans am that me and my dad where going to restore, but shit fell through the roof. my mom and dad got a divorce the next year, the car is now in a million pieces. the body is in storage in VT waiting for body work... After that i have not had a good relationship with my dad. I have not seen him in about a year and a half and have not spoken to him just as long. He has completely done a 360 and only cares about him self. Neither me or my sister has seen him. Its sad, but its making me grow into a better man then he once was. But i now drive a f250. That story was about 4 or 5 yrs ago. Tom
  13. I plowed twice and made 1500 dollars that went back into the dump truck for tie rods lol. So no i didn't make anything lol. But it was fun!! Thanks for sending him the link. Tom
  14. Well guys, id thought id revisit this topic to update it. A few days a go i sent out my deposit for the Black 4400. All i need to do is sell my mason dump truck and john deere 997 on ebay and she will be home. If you need either one of them please purchase them 1996 Ford Mason Dump- http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170812506547#ht_756wt_1167 2011 John Deere 997- http://www.ebay.com/...49#ht_647wt_600 Enjoy your rest of your weekend!! Tom
  15. I've gotten a/c delco for my b model, and they go dead within a few months. granted i don't use the truck everyday and i cover them when they rain. but still i think they should go for longer.... Tom
  16. HEHEHEH!!! Total truth!!! Mine where the same way! Tom
  17. Congrats Vinny! Cant wait to see the video!!! Tom
  18. That is amazing! Glad you are ok!!! Tom
  19. Welcome to America! Enjoy your stay.... Im going to Canada. Tom
  20. LOL Me too. I was a little nervous at first. Last time my gf was wondering why i ebay searched a blow up doll with a 12" member... That was no fun explaining that one......... Tom
  21. LOL i don't know if i should believe you... But what the hell. why not... Tom
  22. I am NOT clicking the link this time...
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