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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by tkobes43

  1. Sweet truck, hope it gets restored. Tom
  2. Nice truck. Might give him a call.
  3. http://www.nairaland.com/295000/1973-mack-truck-r-model Tom
  4. Need to sell these ASAP!!!
  5. Congrats!!! Enjoy the truck. Tom
  6. swap a cummins in it!!! LOL! Looks like a nice truck. Tom
  7. hmm i guess where have i been then... lol Tom
  8. Man where the he!! have you been! lol! TOm
  9. Holy S*** you have almost 6,000 post? Damn
  10. http://fortcollins.craigslist.org/cto/3678192803.html Another C
  11. Buy the thatcher! Tom
  12. Just called, there's a guy before me that wants to buy it. He said he didn't leave any money, but he's giving the first guy the option to pass or buy it. He said he'd call me if he doesn't want it. He was originally asking 10,000 for it. It's a very nice truck, but I think 10,000 is very steep. Gave an offer, said if first guy doesn't want it it's mine, so cross your fingers!!!!!! Tom
  13. Wow! I'm really interested in this! Exactly what I want!!! Tom
  14. http://newjersey.craigslist.org/pts/3661012824.html http://newjersey.craigslist.org/grd/3701480526.html http://newjersey.craigslist.org/grd/3701474509.html Really dont know the going prices on these items... But if your interested send me a offer! Items need to be sold asap. Tom
  15. Yep, and I'd like to keep it in my driveway, I can probably get by with a single axle, but I don't think I can with a tandem... Tom
  16. That was progressive and try gave me a quote for my 550 at 14000 a year. I just got insurance on the 550 for 2800 a year. So I just gotta keep shopping for insurance for the dump truck and hopefully it'll work out... How does the truck look? Tom
  17. Did one quote on progressive and it's 11,000 a year... Gotta shop around and find more. Hopefully cheaper. Tom
  18. I know I know, I have to look, just was searching on line and found tho and decided to post It on here.
  19. Looks like it was rattle canned... Only half got painted lol. Tom
  20. Yes got my cdl a little over a month ago, I agree, i would like to see documentation about the motor... Theyre about 6 hours away from me... I haul anything from stone, dirt, mulch, QP, top soil... ETC. Last summer i got leased out to a landscape company hauling leaves in the fall. I think i can pay for the added expenses. but would like more opinions on what others think! Thanks for your help!!!!!! Tom
  21. Looks like a great truck! Tom
  22. Got your email! Sorry for not responding, had college mid terms. Im meeting with my buddy tomorrow to show him the damage. We will go from there! Thanks, Tom
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