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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by tkobes43

  1. do you have a biigger pic mark?
  2. Its amazing what a tv show can do to people lol! Im very glad to be at this site. You guys seem like a great group of people and hope to meet some of you... Tom
  3. Little excessive... Dont see why you'd want to drive a sky scraper down the road....
  4. Name: Mack B61T (1959) Date Added: 23 April 2011 - 10:48 AM Owner: TBone Short Description: Mack B61T<br />Previously Owned by Port Norris Express Co Original Owner<br /> View Vehicle
  5. I heard that too... Thats ridiculous... Tom
  6. Mike- Thanks so much for the welcome! Im in the process of gathering parts for my truck before I start taking anything off. Things get lost that way... lol Im sure its going to take me quite awhile to get this truck where i want it to be... I was in the process of restoring a 1978 Trans am about 2 years ago. I got the whole car ready for paint and body work then my parents went through a divorce and my biggest helper "My Dad" disappeared from my life and i havent heard from him in about 6 or 7 months. So im going to try this again with a big mack truck. Hopefully i learned enough from him and can make my dreams come true... Thanks Again, Tom Randy P- Thanks for the kind words, and the welcome!! Tom Vision 386- lol... Us Jersey Guys are a different breed. Im on vacation and where ever i go everyones like... you must be from Jersey... Do you know Snooki? If you dont know who Snooki is shes on the show "Jersey Shore"... She makes US Jersey guys look bad... But oh well. Thanks for the welcome Mark! Tom Slpwlker- Thank You Tom
  7. I just noticed that too! That'd be pretty cool just to have layin in the garage...
  8. Hello all, Im a little late on my introduction, so i might as well do it today... My name is Tom Kober. I live in Sussex County NJ. I currently go to High School. Graduating this year. I want to be a New Jersey State Trooper K-9 Unit for my profession. I have 2 of these wonderful trucks. Ive been floating around this site for awhile and decided to sign up cause you guys seemed like a great group of guys with ALOT of valuable mack information. Thanks for your time... Tom
  9. Yup right there! Bunch of stuff still valuable... I could actually use some parts on that truck... lol Tom
  10. Agreed! There has to be something on the truck thats worth saving...
  11. I would've takin the B models from you! Glad you and the Old Dog made it safely. Great pics. Tom
  12. Looks very nice!
  13. Well said! Yes i do appreciate what Barry has done with all the parts available for all these old rigs.
  14. It really is sad to be honest with you... Dang this sucks...
  15. Dang that sucks. I just found out my b was delivered to Horner mack. By what people are saying I can see bergen truck group aren't really that friendly to the avid mack collector. They just care about makeing $$$ with the big WM group. That sucks. Does anyone know of an old time mack dealer? Thanks, tom
  16. That looks like mine but different. I will post a pick tomorrow since its dark here already. Did any Thermodyne diesels have a Oil Fill spot there? Tom
  17. I still can't find the number on the timing cover. I will try to locate it tomorrow since it has been raining almost all day here. But the truck fired up 3rd try with a new set of batteries and cables! But the air pressure only builds to 35 pounds then stops. And the parking brake works but doesn't stop the truck from rolling. Thanks tom
  18. I still can't find the number on the timing cover. I will try to locate it tomorrow since it has been raining almost all day here. But the truck fired up 3rd try with a new set of batteries and cables! But the air pressure only builds to 35 pounds then stops. And the parking brake works but doesn't stop the truck from rolling. Thanks tom
  19. i have a bad igniton switch would this draw juice from the batteries?? please help thanks Tom
  20. Hey Guys, I got another rookie question. Where is the spot to add oil to the engine? I think i found it on the passenger side right by the tire? Its circular and has a spring loaded cap? Please let me know ASAP Im trying to get it running before the rain hits in about 3 hours! Thanks for your help Tom
  21. I'm assuming the switch is easy to spot. Its not hidden? I'm looking right now and don't see anything.
  22. What is the voltage on a 59' Mack Thermodyne B61?
  23. Does this link work for any of you guys? http://www.hornermack.com/ Thanks, Tom
  24. I would like this too! Thanks to anyone who has information! Sorry for highjacking your thread. Lol Tom
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