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Everything posted by Dzlbudman

  1. Fastnal still sells the U.S. craftsman tools.....
  2. Awesome. Thanks for sharing, crazy how many different styles of trucks get built everyday.
  3. Bruckner trucks? I know the company very well......... Let me know if I can help you out.
  4. Don't see the black tanks and aluminum wheels to often anymore. Looks sweet with the polished straps.
  5. Have you driven one?
  6. Flags are there. Sign isn't.
  7. Here's the 950J on the haul truck.
  8. Deere 950J pushing with a 750J
  9. Wonder if we'll get some in Texas. We were the test market for the T600 KW around 20 of them have been running. According to the head fleet man for Coke they will never buy another navistar again after there maxforce problems. Maybe there branching out. They have some really old units in there fleet.
  10. Our haul truck is a Mack
  11. More pictures man! Can't tease us like that!
  12. One of my fab machines.
  13. Some of the new tanks have vent tube issues. What year is your truck?
  14. Your oyher Titan have the D tanks? They're starting to grow on me.
  15. Logtruck. That going to be your truck? Getting rid of the CL?
  16. Emisson problems, some spent more time in the shop than on the road.
  17. I saw that. The total trucks returned were over the 2000 range. That should say something...
  18. They dont. The only plant we have down here in TX is Peterbilt in Denton. I dunno. just within the last 3 months is when KW made a huge presence here. Actually now that i think of it there are more Mack dealers in TX/OK than any other brand...
  19. Accuride I believe. ...
  20. Yea the 2 big yards I deal with have the 6x2's they are CHU 613T's so far so good. Some of ther KW's are running the same. Just its about a 2 to 1 ratio in KW's favor down here in TX/OK at least for the brand new ones....
  21. Honestly I'd buy a 2010 or newer, far less problems. The 05-06 you could spend 4-5 grand on Emmisons bs before u pull the valve covers....
  22. Country rider, what's your location? The hood unglue issue was with the older model MP engine the 2010 emissons run a lot cooler with less frequent regens. I have yet to see any major issues with them running oilfield hours. A lot of companys are switching back to macks for that aplication...
  23. Well you don't see that everyday!
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