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Everything posted by Dzlbudman

  1. Well the badging thing has changed. The new 2013-14 model CXU's have badging on the grille as well as the KW's there running around here....
  2. Well. I work for a Mack I can tell u there rebuilding the older ones. Putting reMack engines and trans,rear ends. Just depends on the conditon of the truck. Down here in TX and OK there clean. Worth rebuilding..
  3. Mack 3p. The Lonestar milk transport trucks are scheduled to start down the line today. Keep your eyes open! CXU613 70" Sleepers...
  4. Autocars still alive. We sell them at my store. Just cab overs tho.
  5. Common. Surprised it wasn't covered...
  6. Mack3P- Should be seeing another 10 Lonestar Milk Transport trucks coming down the line. CXU613's with 70" sleepers with M-Drives. Also about 100-200 Nebors Well Service Granites...
  7. Check the breather on the Air Assist Clutch. Tends to get clogged and causes all sorts of problems
  8. What MP8 does it have?? the 445 or the 505??
  9. Mackpro, we have had one failure and the mDrive got replaced. no reman, a brand new unit.
  10. I'll ask the lead tech in the morning.
  11. Sounds like a engine wiring harness. Been a common problem. Oil seeps through the wires and sends false codes. Take the harness ends off that go through the valve cover and look for oil in the ends.
  12. We haven't had a single mDrive come in with problems. The guys who haven't driven one will always complain, the trans is amazing. Can't even compair it to the Allison. It shifts like a standard, you feel the shifts. What the drivers are liking is there is no jerking in reverse and also the feature of the trans "learning" the load. It starts in different gears from being loaded to unloaded. The fuel mileage is great we have a milk fleet who bought 1 mDrive and 15 10speed Eatons. The mDrive is getting 7.7mpgs and the Eatons are getting 7.3mpg another cool thing about the mDrive is that it has a 750.000 mile warranty.
  13. Alright. Thanks for the reply. Been getting a lot of fuel haulers and oil field company's switching to them.
  14. I have been noticing more Mdrives being ordered through my store, I was just wondering if they are getting ordered more and more everywere. I also heard that some of the new UPS trucks are getting them.Are you seeing the Manuals fading away on the assembly line?
  15. Did u mess with the cruise control lately? If yes go to the dealer, you can hit the cruise buttons to many times and it brings the trucks idle down to 650..
  16. Dang by now the truck should be rigged up! Were's the pics!
  17. Man 3P, you sir are the man!
  18. You Can. Only seen one of them on the Mack. It was on a heavy haul Granite. The D tanks are nice But i don't think you could get them in bright finish... But I haven't had a truck to be built with the bright finish tanks yet..
  19. You can spec it with a vertical stack. That's really the only way you will be able to get that short or a frame. The vertical stack is a big system. I'll try and get picks for you tomm.
  20. You should see right around 7mpg. 1600 is the sweet spot on the 505hp engine. Also watch for the $$ sign on the dash.
  21. What are you going to be rigging it up with?? Log truck right?? Curious! http://farm8.static.flickr.com/7227/6936236880_7dc833218b.jpg
  22. Awesome! Can't wait to see it rigged up!
  23. Thanks for the Update!
  24. Did you find the completed Titan??
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