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Everything posted by slpwlker

  1. Hell I've taken old straps and cut them to like 6" strips. Put eyes in them and put them in between the chains for protectors so they can't say I have metal on metal. With the eyes I can bungee them in place. Got tired of loosing any rubber I put between them and get 1 good bounce and the rubber becomes history. Got about 6 of these and plan on making more. Also make great edge protectors for the straps
  2. To combat that alot of the new straps have the WLL wove into the strap every 5' or so. What I've done is taken clear tape and taped the tag so it doesn't fade and doesn't fly
  3. Congrats on the addition. and Welcome to the Jungle
  4. you know does it have 2 positive and 2 ground outlets. If so you need to run all 4 lines to it also. I got a cpi 2500 that I hate
  5. I feel yeah. I got a 63" we got a house fridge,skittlet,put shelves in. Then the gen took a shit and no more cooking. So the fridge is a glorified water cooler since cooking is out
  6. Yeah it cooked and or heated everything I put in it. I wish I still had it but just not enough room in here. That is next on my hit list of things to get in here. I never thought twice about the direction of rotation as long as it worked
  7. It might be big enough but the start up on the micros is huge and draws alot. Also I had a micro where the rotiserie would go a different way when it started might just be the micro. Make sure you got enough inverter for the start and MAKE SURE YOU ARE IDLEING. Micros will kill your batteries in a flash
  8. I can tell you that was an oh shit moment if there ever was one. Surprised there isn't any skid marks in the first pic. I think I would of been laying down all kinds of rubber trying to stop and get out
  9. That will damn sure make a driver out of you. I don't think I got enough nuts to do that. I've done some crazy crap
  10. I didn't think they ran those trailers in Wa Always seen the pintals that have weird pivots and multi axles. I thought that was in Nc. Seen a similiar one
  11. What the hell he do throw the cable over and it get into the lines? Why did the (I'll be nice) Driver.Throw the cable under the lines?
  12. Glad your still alive a kicking. Sorry to hear about the Accident. I hope it didn't get totaled
  13. Thats about where mine is at 1550 or so in 18 at 65. Just inside my power range. I try not to lug my 3406E down as my egt's start climbing over 900 degrees
  14. Congrats on the save.And finally getting 1 of the trucks you have been after for so many years
  15. I would go down to 4.11 That should get you upwards of 75 to 80 mph and or put tall rubber on it. I think the 15 would be to long legged but with the same gearing you might be able to get 70 or 75 also just by putting the 15 in and leaving the gearing alone. I got an 18 unknown top gear ratio,on tall rubber with 4.11's that will runn in the mid 90's food for thought
  16. I watch the American version haven't really got into the bbc one. but I should of gotten the room again tonight to watch it.
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