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Everything posted by slpwlker

  1. I'm gonna try. When is it
  2. think you ought to go with a 10 or 20 ton. 5 ton I think would be cutting it close on capacity and the added saftey factor
  3. Welcome to the jungle
  4. alot of those guys spend every minute they get free cleaning and wiping things down. I do not have that kind of patience ergo thats why my truck looks like hell. also needs a serious bath. Just got to much going on to think about cleaning right now. After the first load or 2 it is getting a major cleaning
  5. it isn't me or my truck but even unless you get more stuff the truck should be with multi pieces I go for 5 to 6.00 a mile with a step. But man your hunting and everything has to go right. To each there own thats for sure i'd have more in fuel then 2700 thats for sure.
  6. doing land clearing you can't keep the lines in them. Hell we road ran that bitch every where. who needed a lowboy just drive it
  7. Welcome to the jungle
  8. Some good looking bulldogs and others
  9. those shovels are awsome to look at and would love to watch them in operation
  10. I miss running our old 950. no brakes and a stiff throttle make a damn good operator out of you. We would out load a 966C with it. Damn good loader
  11. check again on the 425's mine are 11400, Conties are the same and so are yokes http://www.michelintruck.com/michelintruck/tires-retreads/tireInfo.do?tread=XFE%20%28wb%29%20%28Steer%29 11400*2 comes out to 20800lbs
  12. Welcome to the jungle
  13. Ran the pedal steer 3's with the hand throttle what a pos it was. hated it. Loved the little 350 Deere. Ran a D5C that was like running a 3 on steroids. Awsome little bastard. biggest I've run was the 8N. Moved 9's never ran them pushing.
  14. 2700 is a steal and you need to pounce on that. I couldn't even think about doing it for that even if I could load more stuff on It just isn't feasabile
  15. girlin the white shirt damn sure has a nice rack. i'd of been in trouble
  16. enjoy the vacation
  17. i'm good to go out there till atleast the 1rst. Unfortunatley I just have no interest in going out there. If I can get a stepdeck to lighten myself up enough to get it I'll be interested as I do have family in Rancho Cucomunga
  18. Will not post web pages but Volvo's new hood ornament
  19. your down south. I rarely go into Portland usually go 84 to 82 into Wa then into Seattle
  20. I understand being cheap but at what cost. bite the bullet if online doesn't have them. By the time you factor in fluid loss and possible burned up pump, It will cost you more then getting them then. Only ran Cat OEM when we had machinery and now with my truck only Cat touches the engine.
  21. just a set of lips Use to drive a Pete that had a flying pig on the hood. head would shake. Tied a buddy's at the time gf dog to the back of the pig to make it look like she was getting it on. Needless to say he got no nookie for a week and she is now his wife and have to rugrats. Well not little anymore more like 12 and 10 or something
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